Nitrous (N2O) FAQ

Yeah, that sounded right. My friend had type r cams, h/i/ex and slicks on his si w/ stripped interior and ran 14.2 but then again his running slicks and no interior.

Hey, Are you from the BayArea, Cali? if so, I want to race your si vs my 323 I just havent really had the change on racing them w/ mods like yours. Just for a friendly race.
LOL. no Im good. I'll just wait for my friend in Vegas. Thats 8-10 hours away from where I live. He has SI too but all motor. (type r stuff and skunk 2s) I'll let you know how it goes but thats not until February tho. Peace !
n2o99civicsi said:
What does the tranny have to do with the n2o???

With the newer nitrous set ups, where you hit an activation switch and it arms it, then you floor it, it sprays. So you no longer have to keep an eye on shifting and letting go of the button at the same time.
Automatics are awesome for nitrous too.
It has everything to do w/ the bad ass automatic tranny's found in the protege.

People have had many of the same issues w/ auto & turbo's...the tranny..begins to slip...and shortly after it's time to purchase a new one...
ah, didn't know that was a Protege thing. Learn something new everyday.

1ofdrew323- yeah, let me know how that goes. I'm building my for all motor right now, the juice is a little something for ricers until then.
I have a 2000 Protege ES 1.8 L with a Auto... its stock everything... i was planning on running a dry 50 shot, would that be considered "safe"? 50's not that big of a deal right?

How much is refilling a bottle, and how long do they last (if you are juicing all the time).

I'm considering Nitrous and turbo...

Turbo kit vs NOS/NX kit and refills
~$4000 vs ~$??? and $???

Like mentioned, I too have an auto and was thinking about getting me a shot of nitrous. I just need something to get me up to speed so the turbo spools and kicks in quicker. I suppose maybe something like 50 shot would be sufficient? Im a newb when it comes to nitrous so a dry kit would best suit me. Does that sound about right?
Breeegz said:

How much is refilling a bottle, and how long do they last (if you are juicing all the time).

I'm considering Nitrous and turbo...

Turbo kit vs NOS/NX kit and refills
~$4000 vs ~$??? and $???


jomoyo069 said:
wets the best i was thinking...

Thats what I was thinking too (and according to the write-up), but I don't really know a whole lot about NO2. I would need something that is fairly easy to set-up and maintain. I know that wet is better because it combines with the fuel mixture to get sprayed a little more even, but again I wouldn't need anything real "super". Just a simple 30, 40, 50 shot or so.
I think you might of mentioned in the FAQ somewhere, but I might have read over it. But nitrous is good for autos, correct? So If I were to invest in a dry kit (50 shot), Id be alright with the new ignition, coil, wires, rotor and cap plus the rest of the "basics" minus the clutch. Do the "goodies" apply only to a wet kit or would a bottle warmer, blanket, purge kit etc apply to dry kits as well?
I know that this thread has been dead forever now, but thought I'd bump it to get some more discussion going for myself and for other guys concidering spraying their Mazdas/Proteges. I've got a 2002 2.0L Protege ES 5spd. And I'm conidering a 50-75shot but would like to know some more specifics on what I need to buy to run this nitrous kit safely where I don't need to be replacing s*** all the time.

Thanks for the excellent write up!
maybe that deserves it's own thread. start a new thread and tell us what you're wanting out of n2o and where you'll be using it. existing mods on your car etc.