MSP Video: Anyone here??

yeah the video is lame, but no need for 2 threads. Now your the nerd alert.

And read the comments, he made it for someone looking to buy the car out of state.
Well with 4K in posts (since that is what counts apparently) maybe you could learn to read and not double post. Thats all i am saying, dont get all defensive when your in the wrong. And if you read my sig(you dont seem to read detaisl to much huh) i have a black 2003 MSP. Not a Blue 2003.5...LOL (potkettle(hand)(thumb)
hahah. Simma down now. If I did it on purpose then yell at me all you want. Internet sucks here. Besides, i'm not the one with the transformer in my avitar.. How old are you? can you even drive? And reading your sig... What kind of person puts "low miliage engine" and "Mobil 1" oil in a signature as a modification anyway?

Man, i havent argued on the forums in a long while.. this is good times.
Its not a transformer its Voltron hahaha, Im 25(26 in 2 weeks) so i can drive. I swapped in the motor myself, hence i modified the car by putting a newer engine in and mobile 1 is not OEM specified oil so it goes in the list of things i have changed in my car, or modified. Heres the definition if it helps. But feel free to keep arguing. I was just pointing out when you were in the wrong, you can spin it as much as you want on me. LOL

<!--BOF_HEAD--><!--EOF_HEAD--><!--BOF_SUBHEAD--> v. modified, modifying, modifies
<!--BOF_HEAD--><!--EOF_HEAD--><!--BOF_SUBHEAD--> v. tr.
<!--EOF_SUBHEAD--> <!--BOF_DEF-->
  1. To change in form or character; alter.
  2. To make less extreme, severe, or strong: refused to modify her stand on the issue.
  3. Grammar To qualify or limit the meaning of. For example, summer modifies day in the phrase a summer day.
  4. Linguistics To change (a vowel) by umlaut.
steph, stfu.
leave the n00b alone.
if u looking for an e-fight, i'll take u on!(wedge)
bring it on!!
