MS3 Short Shifter Review Request...

The TWM STS for the MS3 is only 250.00, what's there to complain about really? You know, if you "SUBSCRIBE" to thier news letter, you get 5% off your purchase, including the MS3 STS!! :)

ideally speaking, you would never be shifting while the clutch is engaged to the transmission, so whether the shifter is "clicky" or "squishy" should not affect the longevity of the transmission at all. the increased vibration you would feel could only possibly damage the shift box itself a little more than usual, and that's not really an expensive part to replace. if anything, it will likely just result in a little more shaking on the hands and nothing more...oO

i, personally, love cars that have a "clicky" shifter, because there's no abiguity about whether you're in gear or not. i am still figuring out what i want to do, though. i think i might actually get the MS short shifter and the TWM bushings, since it looks like i can get the MS SS for about $150 (as opposed to $220 for the TWM SS). it's supposedly 20% throw reduction instead of TWM's 30%, but at that point, i honestly don't care. as it stands right now, the thing that's REALLY annoying me is our gigantic pause when shifting from 1st to 2nd to rev match, and there's not a whole lot i can do about that short of getting a lighter flywheel...=/

it's really nice to know about that TWM newsletter though, zoomin3...thanks for the tip! :D

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