Michael in Boot Camp

Well I don't think that's what they are doing but at least to this observer, it's pretty ******* hard to tell who's who there.
So, I'm thinking about a Congrats/Welcome Home dinner for Michael on either Thursday January 8 or Friday January 9. Not sure where yet. Please tell me what the best date for you will be and any suggestions on where we can all go!
If it's the 15th or 16th, either day works for us...
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Well, I made it back from Parris Island late Friday night, EGA in tow. Overall a really awesome experience. Not nearly as dreadful as I thought it might be, just a matter of doing what you're told, when you're told to do it with a great deal of speed, volume and intensity.

I'm glad to see that you are all up to your usual shenanigans.

P.S. New car, pics later.
Well, I made it back from Parris Island late Friday night, EGA in tow. Overall a really awesome experience. Not nearly as dreadful as I thought it might be, just a matter of doing what you're told, when you're told to do it with a great deal of speed, volume and intensity.

I'm glad to see that you are all up to your usual shenanigans.

P.S. New car, pics later.

I knew you'd be alright. ;)

It's best to scare you intensely before going in so that it appears much easier once both feet in.

Good to have back, if only for a bit! Congratulations Marine!

And Thank You.
So are we meeting for a welcome home dinner on Thursday or Friday? What sounds good to Michael for food/restaurant?
Thanks for the warm welcome back everyone! It's definitely good to be home, but oddly enough I find myself missing the island sometimes throughout the day. There's just an aura about it, initially you dislike your drill instructors, then you grow to respect them as you understand why it is that they make you do the things you do, finally, at the end you've grown to like them as well as respect them. A lot of the recruits in my platoon went through the "Oh my god" phase where they would go to the senior drill instructor and tell him they wanted to quit, but I never really went through that phase, I kind of developed an understanding of why we did things early on. I'm by no means an emotional person, but at the EGA ceremony (happens at the end of the Crucible, a 54 hour long ordeal where we apply all of the things we learned in a minimal sleep, minimal food scenario) I have to admit that I shed my share of tears, as well as at the graduation ceremony a week and a half later. I have to say that the most difficult part of all of recruit training wasn't necessarily the physical portion, or even the Crucible, for me it was mostly being away from my family and all of my friends. I guess that's how the Marine Corps does it, some people are challenged by the physical stuff (not easy) and others find the mental game harder (more difficult for me). As far as total weight lost during the 12 weeks at Parris Island, 35lbs was my final number. Looking at pictures of myself taken the Saturday before I left, I can definitely tell a difference (I was looking a bit porky lol).

When we all get together, hopefully before I leave for MCT, I have a surplus of stories to share, funny, sad and otherwise.

OH! New car:

1974 Nova, needs some little touches here and there, but overall a solid start to a daily driver - project car, I love it. Eventually I want it to look somewhat like this one with a pro-touring sort of theme where new and old are meshed together. You never know, you may even see it out at an autocross for some CP carnage


When I get to my permanent duty station I will likely be re-joining the Mazda family with a Miata for STS2 duty.
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Buy Chris Raymond's car.

Edit: Is that the same car in both of those pictures? Which one did you buy? Neither?
I just read that over on SoloAtl, and it's a killer deal, but the problem is that I won't even be able to have a car with me for quite some time and I would feel bad about my parents having to deal with TWO cars of mine.

A miata is definitely in my future though, driving Muff's at the last points event cemented that in my mind, those damn things are way too fun!

Buy Chris Raymond's car.

Edit: Is that the same car in both of those pictures? Which one did you buy? Neither?
The red one is mine, hopefully to look like the silver one at some point.

So are we meeting for a welcome home dinner on Thursday or Friday? What sounds good to Michael for food/restaurant?

How about that pizza place that you, luke, megan, andrew and I ate at right before I left? I recall them having several tv's with different games on for those that are interested. Thursday would be best for me as I have plans with my family on Friday.
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I understand (at the same time I cannot understand) how much you went through in the recent past and I very much appreciate the sacrifice you are willing to give that we may sit here and enjoy heat, shelter, and food at any waking hour we choose. I won't be able to make it to your dinner but please know you make my prayers because the last thing I want is a fellow Mazda guy to not make the journey back home. Have a safe trip. God bless.

Looks like a solid ride. Hope she treats you well.

Also, the Illuminas are treating me great! 'Preciate it!
Obviously I can't go, WAYYYYY too far for me. :p

But I will say CONGRATS. Bootcamp was kind of fun for me (I must be insane), but you're right, as long as you do what they want and do it FAST, it's not all that bad. And at times, I think about my past and consider visiting P.I. - but damn if I'd hate to go smell that god forsaken bog at 0'dark thirty. lol I think that was the worst part of boot - the smell early in the morning - oh the horror!

But congrats again man! Welcome to the club! :D