mazda techs

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LinuxRacr said:
Luckily I dealt with a compentant tech. The one who built my motor did a great job, and guess what? It's still running 3 years later.

Damn I wish I could say that...haha...hey.(boom07)
BlkZoomZoom said:
There is a difference between a Mazda Tech. and a Tech that works at a Mazda dealership. Not all Techs are factory trained.

well put.. the only thing my bro isnt cert. to work on is the speed line with the exception of the speed miata.. we dont have a speed cert. dealer... :(
haha. I am. lol
I'm not a Master Tech yet though.
BlkZoomZoom said:
haha. I am. lol
I'm not a Master Tech yet though.
you will get there. my bro is only 24 years old too.. already has 8 years on mazda... i think he is the youngest master tech in the southern divsion..
I had a hard time getting the parts guy to understand that i needed one of the bolts for the heatsheild. He kept trying to say what i was looking for was one of the head studs or something. lol.
there are two people at my local mazda dealership that I will even let touch my car. and they've well earned that :)
BlkZoomZoom said:
Guys at work tell me I was born with a wrench hanging out of my ass. I take it as a compliment.
Too funny! I've always received good advice from BlkZoomZoom. I wish he worked in Florida. Techs are like any other worker, there are good ones and bad ones.
BlkZoomZoom said:
Damn I wish I could say that...haha...hey.(boom07)

It was a Master Tech at Clear Lake Mazda in the Houston area. I stayed there, and helped him put my current motor together.
I don't get it. You poorly explained a problem to the PARTS GUY, then when he didn't understand what you were saying you say that Mazda Techs are idiots. 2 completely different people.

The parts guy was probably new and was using the book/computer to understand what you were saying, in which it lists the "heat shield" as an "insulator". While he should have known what a heat shield is, your explaination was so backwards that he couldn't understand what you wanted.

Now then, what you should have done was to show the service advisor what the problem was, since your car is still under warranty. He would have wrote up the repair as a warranty issue, and the dealership probably could have fixed it right then and there. You failed to know your warranty, so you feel screwed because you bought a part that you would have gotten for free, then have to come back because you didn't know how the warranty worked.

You, sir, are the idiot here. The parts guy doesn't know your car, doesn't know your warranty, and will sell you whatever you ask for. All you had to do was to consult the service advisor FIRST, he would have told you everything.

So, that being said, how are the MAZDA TECHS complete idiots? Both of the guys you talked to aren't Mazda Techs. You've just blamed people that had nothing to do with your issue.

Oh, BTW, my dad is a 24+ year Mazda Master Technician. I'm a little offended to tell you the truth. It's people like you that give my dad a bad rap. Considering you didn't have a problem with the techs, your argument is completely false and misleading. Remember, the Techs are the people that work on your car, the service advisor tells them what the customer had a problem with/needs fixed/diagnosed, and the parts guy just sells parts. 3 completely different jobs.

Now, I will say that some "techs" aren't that smart. Sometimes they can't fix a car. Sometimes they throw parts at a car without diagnosing the problem. Sometimes they take forever to fix the car and it still comes back the next week. My dad, as shop foreman, has to deal with the problems that the others can't fix.

Anyone that had a problem with the service they get shouldn't blame all of the techs or the dealership, they should blame the one tech, possibly post his name so others don't use them. On the other side, if they got great service and the car was fixed properly, quickly, and if the tech found other problems and wrote notes on the repair order, thier names should also be posted so that people can specifically ask for them. My dad has people asking for him to work on thier cars all the time. The dealership loves this as the person will tell thier friends/family of the good service, and those people who might be going to other dealerships will instead go to the same dealership. The Tech gets good CARE and CSI scores, he gets rewarded and acknowleged, and everyone is happy.

Instead, to sum it up, because people blame the dealership and Techs in general, it makes all of them look bad, meaning less buisness, less rewards, and less pay. So basically instead of targeting the people that worked on your car, you target everyone and essentially ruin people's careers who are good technicians.

Good job making my dad look bad, Susamafone.

yes, i dont know much about my car. thats why i joined the forums. and rather than explaining anything to me, people felt it more appropraite to take cheap shots at the lack of my knowledge. if you dont mind, im a little offended myself that people here seemed to be so understanding, but obviously arent.

im not saying all mazda techs are one way or another. i was only starting this thread in an effort for us all share a story about that one guy we have to deal with. fortunately for us all, almost all mazda techs are very knowledgeable and know exactly what they are talking about. i feel very comfortable leaving my car at the dealership knowing that i am leaving it in very good hands.

this thread has not progressed as i had orignally hoped. all i have seemed to do is piss people off who dont want to look past the first sentence in my original post. i was hoping for us all to share a story with one another. but it has become clear to me that we are incapable of even doing that. it is true, people dont have a sense of humor on this forum.

i am having this thread closed.
who's taking cheap shots at whom buddy? "uhhh mazda techs suck ass blah blah blah blah"(poke)
not a nice way to start
susamafone said:
yes, i dont know much about my car. thats why i joined the forums. and rather than explaining anything to me, people felt it more appropraite to take cheap shots at the lack of my knowledge. if you dont mind, im a little offended myself that people here seemed to be so understanding, but obviously arent.

I understand that you don't know much about your car, but that's no excuse to call Mazda techs idiots. You didn't even deal with the techs!! You dealt with the parts guy, then the service advisor. Why you went to the parts guy first is beyond me, the normal thing to do would be to go to the service advisor and he'll tell you what you need, then you tell the parts guy what the advisor said. But nooooo you go to the parts guy not knowing what you're talking about. That's all your fault.

The people here generally know about 3rd gen Proteges/P5s. They are helpful. You screwed up, called people names some of which are on here, and they're supposed to be understanding and kind after you bash them?

im not saying all mazda techs are one way or another. i was only starting this thread in an effort for us all share a story about that one guy we have to deal with. fortunately for us all, almost all mazda techs are very knowledgeable and know exactly what they are talking about. i feel very comfortable leaving my car at the dealership knowing that i am leaving it in very good hands.

No, you didn't. You started this thread to insult the techs. Read what you wrote:
we all know mazda techs are pretty much complete idiots and tell us a). either a bunch of stuff we already know, or b). some complete bull crap that is as far away from the truth as possible, or c). are just plain stupid.
You stereotyped the whole group of technicians. You did not say "share a story about a bad service experience". You came right out and called them "complete idiots", "plain stupid", then say that they tell us "complete bull crap that is as far away from the truth as possible".

First off, buddy, YOU NEVER TALKED TO A TECHNICIAN!!! So what do you have against them? And I restate, you never said 1 guy, you took the whole career and insulted it.

And you expect people to understand you? Yeah, we'll get right on that, and fix your "it covers the headers, those things that come off the exhaust manifold" aswell.

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