Lehigh Valley Grand Prix Meet - May 25th

only one week and a day left

its official..i reserved the room today
if we decide to do 2 races as a group is 55 per person
for 3 its 65

its includes pizza (from papa johns!), soda, and a head sock

the weather will be nice that day too

will any body be bringing anybody?
would u wanna send out pms to everybody on the list and tell them what you just said, just to make sure everybody sees it
I almost got my sister to come haha, but shes broke (she drives a 2007 Mazda3, but the car is EXTREAMLY dirty inside... its sooo sad.)
she doesnt have to go on the karts lol she could just show up...

she rather go out with her friends. i wouldent mind her coming but she wont haha.

Shes the worst driver i know, its sad. and she thinks she drives good haha
im going to have to warn you guyz
my driving skillz are pretty good (first)

Hopefully even the guys that never signed up on this forum, that heard about our meet still come. The party room is ours at 1... Ill probly be there arround 12-1230
im gonna prolly get there close to 1, have some stuff to do in the morning
im going to have to warn you guyz
my driving skillz are pretty good (first)

Hopefully even the guys that never signed up on this forum, that heard about our meet still come. The party room is ours at 1... Ill probly be there arround 12-1230

ill be there around 12 hopefully, gotta find my GPS ha
goin out to wash the car in a few mins. Im probly not gonna be racing today (short on funds) but I;ll have the camera and ill take some pics of everybody flyin around the track (wrc)
Leaving now haha, i was with someone all last night so im dead tired hahaha, but im going to make it still! see you in a bit!