Leaving here.. maybe for good

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You know I just talked to him via pm over at another forum, didn't get into details, because it is not my place, but he had something over 14,000 posts, unless he was kidding or something. He seems like a good guy, not one starting flame wars and such like some of the new guys here, I just hope it was a respectable decision and not one done of anger or what not. Anyways my 2 pennies.
This does suck for everyone on here. I myself have been able to recieve some great advise and knowledge from him. For that he will be missed.

I do know that he orignaly started this thread becuase he was continuely having issues with other members and mods through PM's and emails or things that were misunerstood. It all went on behind the sense, so I'm not sure of it all, but my guess is that is what ultimately lead to this.
slug is right, no democracy here...we really have no say in what happens to our membership on this forum...i've been around here for a while and seen lot's of e-drama...it's too bad because chris is a nice guy...some of the other clowns that were on here 4-5 yrs ago, well, some were just lousy people!!
i sure hope the decision was worth it...i'm not happy
If I can recall correctly, which I do, for the short time that Ive been on these posts, since Day 1 he has been welcoming. In fact he was the first person to extend a happy invitation, and offer the helping hand if I couldnt find what I was looking for. Now Im in no way trying to jump in the middle of all this, but I am with the many people here that are going to feel a loss with him gone. Nuff Said
I now remember why I haven't been around. I think it is a shame for Chris to be banned. It's too bad that what used to be a fun and informative place has turned into a soap-opera. I guess my support of Chris and low post count might get me banned- oh whatever will I do.......
people need to get a grip on reality
Chris for President(usa)
It is a shame he has been banned. I was fortunate enough to meet him on two occasions and he is very nice. I know he had his run-in with some of the mods and others here and I also know that he was able to work some of those issues out. It is unfortuante as he was always extending a friendly hand to new members and was a plethora of knowledge. He may not be missed by all, but he will by me.

I don't know of everything that went down, but I do hope this decision was carefully thought out by the powers that be.
I'm still upset again explaining this to my wife.

I dont like feeling that I could be "disposable" to the community.
It's a very unwelcome feeling and is NOT why I choose to visit here.

Our fellow members/friends should not be disposable because they voice their opinion.

That's NOT the type of ideals I can respect.
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I regret and apologize for my earlier comment. I was exaggerating to make a point and perhaps went too far.
I was not trying to offend.
I don't like it. :\

He will be missed. Will definitely give him my thanks when I meet him in person at LRP.
...and now for a reading from the Mazda Forum overdubbed version of Pulp Fiction:
"Bring out the <drama llama="">{drama llama}
<drama llama="" s=""> {drama llama's} sleeping
Well, I guess you'd better wake him up then."

I'm sick of forum drama bulls***. Kansai was a valuable contributer to this forum. I would like some explaination of why, I think we all would. Even if it was just "he started s*** with a moderator again", that would be nice. Just, something?</drama></drama>
Its sad but we have lost ALOT of good members over BS or drama and a good amount of them were very informative about our cars. As long as I've been on this this forum I've seen sooo many get banned or just disappeared. Yea we are growing strong as a community but the quality is slowly decreasing. But hey, there is nothing we can say or do. We have to respect the mods decisions. :(
Kansei was a good guy, who helped me out more than anyone has on this forum. I too hope the decision was thought out completely.
So he got banned. If he comes back, they need to bring back dexter, spicymchaggis, and kpabpa. Those guys rocked this forum.
Moeed said:
So he got banned. If he comes back, they need to bring back dexter, spicymchaggis, and kpabpa. Those guys rocked this forum.
spicymchaggis is back, you just need to know where to look
Moeed said:
So he got banned. If he comes back, they need to bring back dexter, spicymchaggis, and kpabpa. Those guys rocked this forum.

man IMO they need to bring back alot of people who brought LIFE to this community.
Since I myself don't know all the details I have requested that the Mods write out a full explanation of what happened. I'm sure the NEPOCers will hear Chris' story soon enough so I felt it was important for NEPOC to get both sides of the story.
Here is the principal reason for his banning:
11. The act of intentionally posting inflammatory threads or replies for no other purpose than inciting or provoking others, also known as "trolling", is strictly prohibited. Mazda Forums has a zero tolerance policy towards trolling, meaning users who engage in such activity can be immediately and permanently banned without warning.

Those rules can be found here.

The thread that this infraction pertains to is the one about the censorship of other forums and websites. Though it looks like that thread has been deleted, he was "provoking others" against the Mazda Forums.

The decision to censor links is not of the Moderators, but of Antoine and the Admin staff. If you have an issue or a question, feel free to PM one of them. Being "inflammatory" won't fix any issues that you may have, it only draws negative attention to yourself.

Remember, this is a free, albeit private (owned by Antoine), forum. If you don't like the rules, you are free to visit and contribute to other forums, but please be mature and respectful to ours.
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