Hello! After reading your messages I felt compelled to add mine. I have a Mazda cx5 2021. I have owned it since February 2021 and have a warranty of 3 years or 60,000 kms whichever comes first. So I’m out of warranty by a couple months however I only have 40,000 kms on it. I noticed a couple weeks ago that my driver’s side mirror was not operating. I asked my mechanic to check it when I had my winters taken off and summers put on. He said the motor had burned out. Then I called the dealer where I purchased it and he said he would give me the part, $91.00 but the Labour is on me $306.00. Doesn’t seem fair really! I decided to contact Mazda Canada and hope that they could show some goodwill, didn’t happen! Quire upsetting to say the least. I bought the vehicle with this feature to verify that when I walked away from my vehicle I could see that it was locked and also not have other cars hit my mirrors in tight parking spaces. Mazda has known of this faulty TSB since 2019! Why haven’t they rectified it! I would appreciate any help/guidance!
Kind regards,
Kind regards,