Over 55 years of car ownership here. Only ever flushed/replaced trans fluid on 2 vehicles. Both of them had tranny problems shortly thereafter.Ok so as a new Mazda owner is the Mazda transmission easily harmed by not changing the tranny fluid? The reason I ask is I have 3 high mileage cars in my driveway that have never had fluid changed and still operate fine.
2004 Corolla 220,000 miles
2006 Impreza 180,000 miles
2010 Corolla 237,000 miles
Also past vehicles
Chevy S-10 290,000 miles no trans fluid change
Saturn Don't recall miles but high 2's I'm sure but 2 engines no trans issues.
So why should I be worried?
None of the cars I let run forever on the original fluid ever had issues, and I'm talking about vehicles that I kept for 200,000 miles or more.
Just my own experiences, but enough to convince me I will never replace transmission fluid on any of my cars.
Carry on.