I'm getting very close to joining the CX-5 family. My decision is coming down to a Certified 2018 Grand Touring (found a VIN without the fuel pump recall!) 28k miles, and the 2022 Preferred. My biggest hesitation is a 2022 going to push me to the limit of my budget - about $70 more a month for a 60 month loan. They look pretty close to me except for the bigger infotainment screen. If I push the loan to 72 months, it's closer, only about a $10 difference, longer loan though.
Is the 2022 any better of a driving experience?
thanks in advance!
Definitely go with the 2022 if you can financially. I shopped around for a used CX-5 as well (2017-2021), before buying my '22 CX-5 Preferred. It just didn't make sense in the end to pay ALMOST as much for a used car when I could get a better NEW car for a bit more $$.
List of reasons off the top of my head why the 2022 is better:
Better resale value
Updated 10.25" infotainment screen w/ a customizable Equalizer
AA & Carplay is standard in the 2022 (not sure if they retro-fitted it in your '18 GT yet)
Updated suspension doesn't crash as much over bumps
Supposedly updated transmission programming to make it more responsive
Better looking rims IMO - Love the look of the 17" rims on the '22 models
Better ride comfort with the 17" rims, cheaper to replace tires too.
Updated LED headlights - supposedly brighter too but haven't tested it yet.
Slightly better seats
All-Wheel Drive is standard (wasn't sure if your '18 GT is AWD)
2-level cargo floor in the rear
Last but not least, hopefully whatever bugs /recalls /TSB's were present in the '18 have been worked out in the '22.
I'm sure there's more but that's all I can remember for now