Battery has died twice on 1 month old CX-5


2012 CX-5 Touring AWD
I received my new CX-5 on November 14, and this past weekend the battery died. Engine would not crank, no lights/horn at unlock. Mazda Roadside Assistance came and jumped the car for free, but it died again two days later. Currently being towed to dealer.

I have installed a AAA mileage verification box to my CX-5's OBD2 port as part of a program that lowers my insurance rates. My concern is that this box is powered all the time, and is draining the battery. Has anyone had experience with these boxes that transmit mileage information to an insurance provider via 3G? Is the OBD2 powered when the car is off? Thanks!
Looks like problem was just a faulty battery, replaced with no charge under warranty.
OBDII port is continiously energized w/ 12VDC, even w/o the key in the ignition.
But, that little device can't possibly draw that much current. I dount that is the problem. Maybe call AAA to be certain?
In the mean time, hopefully you'll be getting a fresh battery under warranty.


Missed your second post. Glad it all worked out!
My battery died yesterday. not sure if ignition was left on or not. the i-stop came on when I stopped, so one press of start button should have switched off.