Anyone ever work for Best Buy?

Well, the job I am currently at is terrible, new management has ruined the place. I am looking at getting a job at best buy. I know I can get a job with my retail background, I am just wondering if anyone worked there and can tell me if it is an allright job or not. Any input would be helpful. I only need the job for the next 5 months until I get my BA. Thanks.
mixmaster_matt said:
Well, the job I am currently at is terrible, new management has ruined the place. I am looking at getting a job at best buy. I know I can get a job with my retail background, I am just wondering if anyone worked there and can tell me if it is an allright job or not. Any input would be helpful. I only need the job for the next 5 months until I get my BA. Thanks.

If you have retail background go work for Lowes home improvement. they pay well and have good benefits.
If your in college home depot will pay for 1/2 your college tution all you need is one hour on the clock. You have to really try for that job though.
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SenorCorwin said:
If your in college home depot will pay for 1/2 your college tution all you need is one hour on the clock. You have to really try for that job though.

All i have is 1 semester left so that really isn't my concern. Anyone on Best Buy???
I worked for best buy for only 2 months, I hated it.

2 days before I quit, management was busting our chops (media dept) about staying late and paying overtime yadda yadda yadda...

The day before I quit, my shift ended at 1030 so I got my stuff together and was walking out the front door when my supervisor asked me where I was going. I told her everything had been done, I'm going home. With that she started cussing up a storm about this, that, and the other and that I couldn't leave until the department was ready for the next day (it was). Finally, around 2:45am she asked me why I was still there and that she said I could leave a few hours ago (she didn't). I just said ok and left.

The next day I came in and quit. I understand s*** gets busy around the holidays and all, but keeping me there to put away all the other departments stuff was stupid. They had their own employees, there was no reason for me to handle everyone elses stuff. As a side note, I was also in 11th grade and had better things to do with my time that work goto school.
send a pm to zoomthis, he worked at best buy for years as a PT job.

i have been a manager, supervisor or employee for target, home depot, walgreens, sears and officemax so drop me a line if you ever want the skinny on any of those places. by and large, especially in big box stores, retail is retail is retail. you will either love it or you will hate it.
I worked at Best Buy back in 98 for a couple of years. I was in high school and busted my chops and made like 10.00/hr p/t. For my age that was pretty damn good. In your situation, make it clear the hours that you are willing to work or they will walk all over you. Also, you should have no problem getting a job there this time of year, you will most likely be hired the same day you apply. The best thing is the discount, take advantage of it. You can seriously make a living off buying s*** at best buy and selling it on ebay because your discount is basically at-cost.

Id say go for it, unless you get stressed out real easily then I wouldnt. Just remember, you will be very very very very very busy around christmas time, expect to come home tired as s***.
Not worried about the tired part, I was an Assistant Manager at Quiksilver at the Woodbury Commons, the largest outdoor mall in the US. I just need a job that can hold me over for a couple of months. Also, how is the pay rate? Is there commision there?
DSM2MSP said:
The best thing is the discount, take advantage of it. You can seriously make a living off buying s*** at best buy and selling it on ebay because your discount is basically at-cost.
(thumb) That makes me want a job there...
I wonder if they'd be bothered if I bought a new stereo system/TV/computer every week.
mixmaster_matt said:
Not worried about the tired part, I was an Assistant Manager at Quiksilver at the Woodbury Commons, the largest outdoor mall in the US. I just need a job that can hold me over for a couple of months. Also, how is the pay rate? Is there commision there?
No, they don't pay on commission. At least they didn't when I worked there.
dropped commission but still have qoutas they would like you to make. Kinda like cops, you dont have to make those sales but your compared to everyone else.

With a semester left have you thought about internships?
Not sure of your location, but the best job i ever had pt was working with Frito-Lay in the warehouses.

1)They're everywhere
2) They pay very well (I was paid 13.50 and that was 4 years ago)
3) The job is insanely easy.

Might be worth checking out...
i worked for fry's electronics for a few months.............outstanding pay cuz as a salesman i made $6.5/hour + commision which generally turned into $13/hour on a bad day and $20+/hour on a normal/good day. a few times i averages $35/hour. it was crazy. but it sucked complete balls. i (as well as everyone else i worked with) went in everyday hating thier life. but it was worth it come pay day.
I worked for best buy for about two years. I would not recommend that you work there.

Check out Most of the stuff you'll read there is true.
mixmaster_matt said:
Well, the job I am currently at is terrible, new management has ruined the place. I am looking at getting a job at best buy. I know I can get a job with my retail background, I am just wondering if anyone worked there and can tell me if it is an allright job or not. Any input would be helpful. I only need the job for the next 5 months until I get my BA. Thanks.

started about a month ago on the geek squad.. pc tech.... i love it... its a fun place to work, u do have ur ocational b****y customers , but managers take care of them.... i personally love this job, best job i have had to date and i am in college right now, 19, they work great around my schedule.
i'm a computer senior at best buy and I like my job, payed well, pays for my college 100 percent and it really depends what best buy store you work at gainesville the ppl are awesome!!
go work @ a golf course ..... u make like minimum wage - drive golf carts and make cash money yo i avg about 15 bucks an hour per day - and average about 150 per day when the snow bunnies are down here but the problem is a hurricane went thru here and my course is closed so out of work - but the course is collecting on insurance $'s