Any 1 use Cell tech


02 protege 5
i just used cell tech one time on monday and holy crap do i have a sore throat now! im just curious if anyone else lifts and uses cell tech has experienced this much pain i drank like a gallon of extra water and it didnt help. this moring im still sick!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
2words said:
i just used cell tech one time on monday and holy crap do i have a sore throat now! im just curious if anyone else lifts and uses cell tech has experienced this much pain i drank like a gallon of extra water and it didnt help. this moring im still sick!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
Not saying it's garbage but it's a waste of money. The main ingredients are Creatine, Dextrose and ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid). Creatine, Dextrose and ALA can be purchased separately for considerably less $$$. Especially over the internet, **** GNC (even on the 20% days) and other outlet supplement stores. DPSnutrition is my favorite for internet supplements. Also worth noting is the ALA in Cell-Tech is underdosed in most opinions. Should be 600MG of ALA, 10 Grams of Creatine, and 75 Grams of Dextrose per serving.

Do drink plenty of water with creatine to help muscle growth. Never heard of the sore throat though. (dunno) Don't be fooled by the Brock Lesnar and professional bodybuilders who advertise this supplement. Cell-Tech is NOT what they use - LOL!
ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) is what is causing the soar throat. Try just downing it and not letting it sit in your mouth. It's just as good as any other creatine on the market that uses a transport system. In this case they use all the 75 dextrose to create an insulin spike, this is why you feel sick. Your body has to get used to it. A cheaper and more efficient alternative is the MetRx Micronized Creatine. It will last you longer ( about 3 months for $26.00 ) and it will do the same thing. I use . They have some of the most cheapest prices on the net.
ya i tryed it too, it burns for awhile then u get used to it.. the problem i had was it made my skin hella dry and would give me like rashes on my sides of my stomach.. so i had to stop taking it
What I use to do when I was on cell tech was mix the two scoopes with 32 oz of water. I believe in the instructions it says take it with 24 oz of water and then drink another 8 oz of water. Well I sould just add the extra 8oz of water ith the 24 oz. and then I would drink it over a half hour period. You need the slowly drink cell tech and not down it like a shot.
i used it, it did nothing for me but make my joints sore, i didn't see any real muscle gain. i switched back to lots of nitro-tech and was happy. now i can't wait to get back to the US so i can start again
The first time I used Cell Tech I was in the bathroom for an hour! I hate that crap. Just buy the componets individually. The best gains I ever got were with Pro Lab creatine, andro, and Metrex meal replacments. I gained 15lbs in a month and increased my bench 25lbs, and my sqaut by 50lbs. Ahh... the good 'ol days.
if that doesn't work go the Barry Bonds route.
so I should just do like the doc says and get the components rather than cell tech? Cause I was gonna get the cell tech, nitro tech combo. One of my friends used it for a while and he had no complaints.
your wallet will complain :)

I say scitech creapure is good
any real micronized creatine i think you're straight.

I'd be interested to see scientific proof in TRAC, it always caught my attention.
Use the creatine in the liquid drop form, you don't get all the sugar from cell tech and you don't have to drink as much water. As with any supplements, some work fine for people some don't, you just have to try some until you find what works for you. Good Luck
Don't lose sight of the most important thing here...your diet. If you wanna gain/lose weight is all about your diet.
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ToBeBackDoc said:
Don't lose sight of the most imortant thing here...your diet. If you wanna gain/lose weight is all about your diet.
very well said Doc! All the supplements won't do jack without the diet being in check.
Since we're on the much you bench? Let's see who the strongest member BS please.
depends on how much you take and your work out regiment. Dont drink eithier if your worried about them.