Aftermarket warranties

I usually go through the comments section before I see the video. Tells all.
My experience of a 3rd party ext warranty on a '98 BMW 540iA.
(BMW did not carry one. 3rd party was the only choice)

Note that, that BMW had so many issues after OEM warranty. (BMW= Break My Wallet)
1. about 50% covered, cost-wise, all repairs considered. Note that tear-n-wear items were excluded.
coolant pipes, belt, suspension, .... you get it. BMW loves to use recycled plastics !!!
2. pre-approval. the YTer is right on. The wiper motor failed right before Christmas. The authorization center was off for a week. My car sat there waiting for them to come back. A lot of rainy days I recalled. Could not drive it w/o wipers.

In short, I will not get one again unless it is an OE ext warranty as many said before me.
Even that, note that invoice is about 50% of MSRP. Don't over-pay for one.