Based on the info I have, cooled seats on 2019 CX-5 is really the vented seats without AC air. They suck the air down instead of blowing the AC cooled air out/up found on some other AC cooled seats.Are the seats on 2019 Signature, A/C cooled or just vented?
How good at keeping them cold?
i've heard really good things about the mazda ventilated seats, instead of blowing air, it sucks the hot air away from your body
Sure enough, it actually sucks! My Lexus blows.
I tried it in the Mazda 6 during the heat of the summer and it worked well. The system has an added benefit as well...
Hope you can compare them next summer and let us know which way is more effective. Mazda way definitely is cheaper to make as it doesn*t need any plumbing for AC air.
If you let the air out of a truck tire fast it will actually form frost on it. When they suck the air through those little pin holes in the seat cover it does the same (well, not the frost but it cools rapidly) because it has to speed up to get through the narrow hole.
I actually have never seen a cooling seat that blows AC air vs using seat-mounted fans to sucking it out.