100K MP5 Club


I just broke 100k miles on a 2002 mp5. Anyone else?

Remember the Blues brothers movie when they pull up to the tax office in Chicago and the car comes apart into a hundred pieces?? well, I have duct tape ready.....
Congrats! I just hope you never have to use that duct tape. haha
I've got right at 117,000 on mine. 3 years ago my drive to work went from 1 hour to 5 minutes. That helped keep the milage a little lower.
I need to redo the valve cover gasket which means I may as well change my belts which means I may as well change my timing belt (its due) which means I may as well take the head off and totally rebuild the top end polishing/porting the head which means I may as well do some light boring and put some pistons in there which means I may as well go with a different cam which means I may as well go turbo... Sounds like a good plan. I havent completely installed my exhaust yet (on order) but things are a haapinin fast! Hehe my wife is very happy that I bought an "economical" car. (evil grin) oops..
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ZZZOOM! said:
I need to redo the valve cover gasket which means I may as well change my belts which means I may as well change my timing belt (its due) which means I may as well take the head off and totally rebuild the top end polishing/porting the head which means I may as well do some light boring and put some pistons in there which means I may as well go with a different cam which means I may as well go turbo... Sounds like a good plan. I havent completely installed my exhaust yet (on order) but things are a haapinin fast! Hehe my wife is very happy that I bought an "economical" car. (evil grin) oops..

You can't rebuild the bottom end while it's still hooked to the tranny unless you drill some holes in the bellhousing to access 2 screws that hold the windage tray on that are only accessable with the transmission seperate from the motor.
xelderx said:
I've got right at 117,000 on mine. 3 years ago my drive to work went from 1 hour to 5 minutes. That helped keep the milage a little lower.

What motor is that on though. My motor only had like 40,000 miles on it when we swapped.
xelderx said:
You can't rebuild the bottom end while it's still hooked to the tranny unless you drill some holes in the bellhousing to access 2 screws that hold the windage tray on that are only accessable with the transmission seperate from the motor.

Thanks! It will probably be at least 3 more months before I seriously go into that. I'll try not to whine too much when I get there.

PNFNJ: 103,147 miles!!!
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y0sky said:
What motor is that on though. My motor only had like 40,000 miles on it when we swapped.

3rd motor...still on original tranny though. Your motor is setting on a shelf in the garage.
I'm about to hit 97,000kms. Does that count?

And yay for the Blues Brothers reference. :) Best movie ever...
I'm a little over 142K on orig motor and tranny and still runnign strong.... dont get me wroung the car has a few quirks about it but nothing major.
sold my P5 at like 120,000km ... not quite 100k miles though... but still over a 100k mark.. haha
i must not drive enough...02' with 50k on it...original motor and tranny.....well Im traveling from kansas to Florida in about 2 weeks so that should bump me up a bit.
Rolled past 160,000 miles on Sunday.

Replaced tires (on 5th set), battery (once), brakepads (once, around 145K miles), headlights a couple of times (always fail in pairs, strange)..

Everything else is original.
TurboTodd said:
Rolled past 160,000 miles on Sunday.

Replaced tires (on 5th set), battery (once), brakepads (once, around 145K miles), headlights a couple of times (always fail in pairs, strange)..

Everything else is original.

Nice I just rolled up on 146k. replaced all 4 rotors with d/s and posi quite cermic pads. My gf toasted my rear rotors and pads by driving roughly 8 miles with the d-brake on! lol

I can't speak for tires expect that the car is on the 3rd set that im aware of by the recourds that I have found in the glove box (purchased used). Battery has been replaced once. Other then that its all stock other then what I have upgraded.

P.S. is your a ATx or MTX? If ATX do you drive it like its stolen or granny it? Has the tranny needed any work other then flushes?
I'm glad to see I'm not at the top of this ladder any more. I think Linuxracer and I were two of the first to 100,000. His was in an MP3 so he had a few months head start on me. I'm at 120,000 now. Things have slowed down now that I live 3 miles from work instead of 60 miles and I have 2 cars.
TurboTodd said:
Rolled past 160,000 miles on Sunday.

Replaced tires (on 5th set), battery (once), brakepads (once, around 145K miles), headlights a couple of times (always fail in pairs, strange)..

Everything else is original.

brakes @ 145K!? that's crazy! you must not brake very much.

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