Round 2: GRM $2006 Challenge Turbo Miater


What "Lifestyle"?
64 Valves, 16 Cylinders, 7.2L, 622 HP
Well, folks, the time has come to get started, or restarted if you will, on the turbo Miata challenge car. Now that I am settled in the new house and have only 5 months to get things ready to go, I have started the refit of the turbo Miater. It took me only five months to get the car ready for the $2005 challenge and it seems that history will be repeating itself.

For those that aren't familiar with the car, the initial build, trials, follies, downfalls, and successes can be found HERE . This is a car that, all said and done, cost a total of about $1970 (including the car) to build into a 200+ RWHP racer that placed 18/63 overall and 9/63 in the auto-x portions of the $2005 challenge.

For information on the challange itself, please visit: In short, the goal is to build a racer that can compete in an autocross and drag race while having the best appearance possible for less than $2006. It's not as easy as it sounds :D.

The first incarnation of the car was bred from this:

and this:

into this (and the gray/black car in my sig):

Version 2.0 of the Turbo Miater will include a SS tubular turbo manifold, Volvo intercooler, FG/CF piping arrangment, custom limited slip differential, and different wheels, in addtion to weight reduction, wet sanding, exterior detailing, and many other points that require focus. All in all, the final result will be a car that is faster, handles better, looks sharper, and has increased reliability.

Tonight, the teardown commenced. In tradition of the original build, I will be updating this thread with build photos and details of the progression. That said, here are a few from this evening's work:


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I'm jealous of your garage lighting...
(and it doesn't look like you have your street lamps set up yet from the reflection on the car)
I was thinking about the GRM challenge the other day... I was thinking about how cool it would be to take a Jeep Wrangler and make it RWD, and lowering it. heh... I think I n eed sleep.

Good luck Kevin :)
Prodigy said:

I'm jealous of your garage lighting...
(and it doesn't look like you have your street lamps set up yet from the reflection on the car)

Gotta have good lighting in the garage....a definate necessity. The streetlamps will probably be hung in the basement, hehe.

MiaTurbo said:
I was thinking about the GRM challenge the other day... I was thinking about how cool it would be to take a Jeep Wrangler and make it RWD, and lowering it. heh... I think I n eed sleep.

Good luck Kevin :)

Stranger things have been done.
Pluto316 said:
I think I found a 1990 Miata around town for $1500, I'll start copying you now.

Heck yeah! Go for it!
Quick Update

More "destruction". I'm currently in the process of removing everything in the engine bay so that it can properly be painted this time. I was never very happy with the gray under the hood, so I'll be repainting it black. Just a couple of pics for the time being. The first pic details what a leaky clutch master can do to your paint. Doh.

While I was under the dash unbolting the brake booster, I decided to remove the remainder of the airbag system as well as the sound deadening material along the firewall. I hope to hold onto everything that is removed from the process so that it can be weighed. When the project is complete, I hope to have the curb weight somewhere below 2000 lbs.


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I'm working on a 2006 GRM project with my friends right now. They're the Bucklands, and the car is a 240sx couple ;)
lasermp5 said:
I'm working on a 2006 GRM project with my friends right now. They're the Bucklands, and the car is a 240sx couple ;)

Uh oh! Divulge your secrets. (glare)
cool. cant wait to see it.
So wait. You were only allowed $2005 total for car and mods last year right? So this year you can spend $2006 on it? If so what about those that have been in this for a while and can have mad money total so far invested? Or I am guessing I am totaly wrong :D?
vindication said:
cool. cant wait to see it.
So wait. You were only allowed $2005 total for car and mods last year right? So this year you can spend $2006 on it? If so what about those that have been in this for a while and can have mad money total so far invested? Or I am guessing I am totaly wrong :D?

Nope. I am only allowed $1 more from last year. The total cost that was spent last year has to be carried over to this year.

However, I still have money that I haven't recouped from parts car, and am directly swapping bits that I have already paid for. (I.E. $100 Manifold for the $2005 challenge gets replaced by a $120 manifold for the $2006 challenge. All in all, I'll fork over an extra $20).
What manifold are you taking off? you might recoup some more cost if it's something i could use...
Ok, am I missing something about the rules or what? What happens if you need new tires mid-season? Can you spend money on that?
pluto316 said:
Ok, am I missing something about the rules or what? What happens if you need new tires mid-season? Can you spend money on that?
there is no mid season. It's a 1 weekend event.
Glad to see you are returning. I'm going to be able to go out and volunterr this year. so, I'll keep an eye out for you.
MiaTurbo said:
What manifold are you taking off? you might recoup some more cost if it's something i could use...

I'm replacing the cast exhaust mannifold (basically the same design as that of gReddy). I think I'll hold on to it for the time being since I'm not laying a lot of trust in this cheap tubular manifold.

StuttersC said:
Glad to see you are returning. I'm going to be able to go out and volunterr this year. so, I'll keep an eye out for you.

I wouldn't miss it. You should build a car and play as well. What services will you be volunteering?