Will Not Be Getting Another CX7

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I have never put anything above 16 gals into the tank, even when the empty light has gone on for a while. I think there is a 2 gals of so in the reserve for the 18-gal rated tank. I don't know how you could put 18+ gals in the car. Anyway, gas mileage for any SUV this size is about the same.

I'm with you, I consistently fill-up after going about 300 miles and I've never put anything above 16 gallons into the tank (and I almost always observe the gas light). Are the folks upset with the CX-7's MPGs assuming an 18+ gallon tank???
I must say that I'm not happy with the gas mileage of my CX-7 either...isn't it supposed to get 22 mpg on the highway? I drive a 130 mile/day commute, setting cruise at 78mph on flat interstate and the best I've got is like 19.2mpg. That is with less than 5% city driving as I work and live close to the interstate. I realize that I am driving fairly fast but I do not drive the car hard and my tach doesn't go much above 2.5K when I'm cruising...still seems like I should be getting a number over 20 mpg at least :(

It seems to me that gas mileage tends to vary among CX-7s greatly compared to other cars, it's like some get excellent mileage while others get crappy mileage. Is it possible that there are some CX-7s with more fuel efficient engines? Seems to be a lot of variance in gas mileage numbers even with similar driving situations...

I am now getting about 300-310 miles per tank which is an improvement so maybe this engine gets more efficient with age? I now have over 16K miles. My 2006 Civic Si increased 2-3 mpg after about 5K miles. If I could get the 25 mpg on the highway that someone else on here is getting I would never trade this car, I doubt 25 mpg is possible with my CX-7 unless I drive like 60 mph or less on the interstate.
Is it possible that there are some CX-7s with more fuel efficient engines?

No, if this was true we could sue the pants off of Mazda NA.

I am now getting about 300-310 miles per tank which is an improvement so maybe this engine gets more efficient with age?

Yes, it does get better with age.

If you stay out of boost (below 2KRPMS) your MPG will be awesome, I can get the estimated 22MPG staying out of boost.
Back when I posted the thread that I will not be getting another mazda
You came out preaching about what to do etc. and I quote you

"Regardless of my issues, I will still be getting another CX7 when my lease is up in December of 08."

Now your stating you will not be getting another cx simply because gas prices? Should I begin to preach you brother?

When you purchased the car you clearly knew what you where getting yourself into just like the rest of us now gas goes up beyond a certain cost limit and all the sudden you don't want the vehicle. Go buy a Prius mod that to get your 100+MPG
Florida boy here with front wheel drive 2008. Averaging just under 20 mpg with 80% city, 20% highway usage. No complaints about gas mileage. My former RX-8 got around 16 mpg under the same conditions, and my current 2006 GLI (chipped) gets between 22-24, depending on whether the DSG is set to Sport or Drive.
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I must say that I'm not happy with the gas mileage of my CX-7 either...isn't it supposed to get 22 mpg on the highway? I drive a 130 mile/day commute, setting cruise at 78mph on flat interstate and the best I've got is like 19.2mpg. That is with less than 5% city driving as I work and live close to the interstate. I realize that I am driving fairly fast but I do not drive the car hard and my tach doesn't go much above 2.5K when I'm cruising...still seems like I should be getting a number over 20 mpg at least :(

It seems to me that gas mileage tends to vary among CX-7s greatly compared to other cars, it's like some get excellent mileage while others get crappy mileage. Is it possible that there are some CX-7s with more fuel efficient engines? Seems to be a lot of variance in gas mileage numbers even with similar driving situations...

I am now getting about 300-310 miles per tank which is an improvement so maybe this engine gets more efficient with age? I now have over 16K miles. My 2006 Civic Si increased 2-3 mpg after about 5K miles. If I could get the 25 mpg on the highway that someone else on here is getting I would never trade this car, I doubt 25 mpg is possible with my CX-7 unless I drive like 60 mph or less on the interstate.

My mileage improved substancialy after I put 10k-12k on the car. I'm also a big believer in breaking in a car hard. Every new car I've had I drive it hard from day one. My cars always seem to get better mileage and have more power than most. I'm not interested in a thread on break-in procedures, there's way too many of those on the Internet already. But a hard break-in works for me. I've owned 6 brand new cars and they always perform better than normal. After 6 of them it can't be luck, there must be something to it.
i remember this guy coming on this board when he initially GOT this car, complaining all day long about MPG....BRO - - -WHAT DID U EXPECT? CIVIC-like MPG? so i ask this question, ur saying ur getting what 14mpg? so, lets say u were getting 16-17, would your entire view of this vehicle change? you are turning mole hills into mountains...this mpg talk is bs. it is what it is. if you thought u were going to get exactly what was on the window sticker, then you are dreaming. those numbers are a generalization, a guide and nothing more. everyones car is different, maybe you weigh 400lbs and the engine is working harder because its a dbl load? WHO KNOWS? give it a rest.

Altho i owned the biggest p.o.s cx-7 to roll off the assembly line, I will stick up for it in the mpg department...people who thought this car was going to get stated mpg were kidding themselves. city sucks, highway over time boke the 20 barrier. if its penny pinching you this big, you shoulda bought a CRV or something without balls.
i remember this guy coming on this board when he initially GOT this car, complaining all day long about MPG....BRO - - -WHAT DID U EXPECT? CIVIC-like MPG? so i ask this question, ur saying ur getting what 14mpg? so, lets say u were getting 16-17, would your entire view of this vehicle change? you are turning mole hills into mountains...this mpg talk is bs. it is what it is. if you thought u were going to get exactly what was on the window sticker, then you are dreaming. those numbers are a generalization, a guide and nothing more. everyones car is different, maybe you weigh 400lbs and the engine is working harder because its a dbl load? WHO KNOWS? give it a rest.

Altho i owned the biggest p.o.s cx-7 to roll off the assembly line, I will stick up for it in the mpg department...people who thought this car was going to get stated mpg were kidding themselves. city sucks, highway over time boke the 20 barrier. if its penny pinching you this big, you shoulda bought a CRV or something without balls.

What's the RDX getting for mileage?
around 24 on the highway, and the same 15-16 in the city. The mileage def skyrockets the minute you are cruising at 60+...the trip computer really helps keep tabs on whats going on...last tank was 310 miles, which is pretty high. ive been averaging about 280 miles a tank, my cx-7 it was tough to get past 230 without a huge highway trip tossed somewhere in the middle of 1 tank
good to see you again Mikey1981. Too bad you didn't get another CX7. Mine is still going strong and is planning to do some serious mods like a CAI, Forge BPV and a Corksport Power Series Exhaust.

But not to stray away from topic, the OP needs to give us much better excuses than just gas mileage. Everyone here knows that the car won't give you the advertised MPG. So deal with it. If you're not keeping the CX7, that's your choice and no one else. But, as pointed out by Int3grity, you need to be straight up with your statement brother
To the OP, is that the only reason you wouldn't get another car like this?

I own an MS3 and my gas mileage sucks too. I got 218 miles out of my last tank...but I keep this thing revved and drive it like the MazdaSpeed people intended.

Would this gas mileage thing cause me to never get another car like this?

No Way In Hell. Everything else about my car is awesome and I am very happy with it.

If the seats sucked or it started to fall apart, yeah, never again.

Maybe it's the way you drive? What other cars have you owned and if they were sporty cars, could it be that you're driving an SUV like that?
^ Agreed. When buying an SUV you assume you are not going to get 50 mpg...if you want that, but a hybrid or a Civic...but I feel that they get pretty decent gas mileage considering the size of vehicle. But how you drive does have a lot to do with the mileage you'll get. I know when I had my supercharged Cobalt...when it was nice for a whole week outside I would have crappy mpg, but if it was crappy outside...I'd get decent mpg mainly because I wasn't driving hard.
Please do not take offence to what I am saying here but it should be considered.

If we look at the OP's avatar he appears to be a pretty big guy. My guess would be over 275 lbs. Could that be his MPG. problem? Maybe he has to give that automatic a little more throttle to get it going...Then add others into the car and watch the milege go down the pooper.

Just a thought...I my self am 6'5" 260 and I KNOW I will have milege figures way below EPA Estimates..it's a given.
Sounds like you may need to either bring it in to have it looked at or alter your driving habits. Most of the reviews state "real world driving" mpg being in the 18-24 range. Even with a cold climate, you shouldn't be in the 13-14 range... unless your driving style isn't conducive to getting good gas mileage.

I'd check out hypermiling... it's a technique that can really help you increase gas mileage. While there are those who take it to the extreme, you don't have to go to those measures... (turning off your car while going down a hill for starters) you can still improve your gas mileage a great deal...

I know I incorporate those measures as much as possible and it makes a big difference. (My msp used to average 27mpg but is now consistently in the mid 30s) Biggest thing is... I'm not punching it very often (which sort of defeats the purpose of the car I guess) and I'm putting it in nuetral (to coast) as much as possible.
He's actually getting 15.1-16.1( give or take ) MPG, there's no way he's fitting 19 gallons in an 18 gallon tank.

I have to add, he also has 20 inch wheels! Not sure if they're on in the winter but seriously he has no place to complain about MPG.
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I weigh about 220lbs myself and drive aggressively. I accelerate hard from every light. I don't "beat" on the car, but definately don't have a driving style that would produce optimum mileage and I get consistently 19 MPG summer and 17-18 winter all city driving, no highway. I've tried driving softer for a tank just to see what the difference was, I think I got 19.5 that tank. Really not much difference.
I drive it fairly quick all the time too... the difference between 15 MPG and 20 MPG in my pocket isn't substantial enough to care... might be a couple hundred a year.
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