Where were you on 9/11/2001?

across the hudson from where it happened. smoking weed in a park in the morning right before the whole thing started. ended up staying in the same spot for a couple of hours. at first thought the weed was just really good but unfortunately that wasn't it
I was a freshman in highschool and I was in Social Studies(2nd hour around like 9sh?). Principal came on and told us. Basically the whole school went to the library to watch the news the rest of the day or go home if you could or didnt feel right.
i watched it on tv while in a training class for my job.

it was terrible, a woman in our class had a family member that worked in one of the towers, and she was freaking out.

thankfully, her relative was not in the tower and was safe.
It was the morning after the staff party at the boss's cottage, we flew back to the base (floatplane air tour company) and were just docking the planes at the dock when the boss came running down the dock yelling something, we thought we were in trouble or something for being late, turns out he was saying planes hit the WTC. So we went to the closest TV at the local restaurant want watched in aw what had happened. Being a pilot at the time we were grounded for a few days so I was stuck far from my home base not allowed to fly, so I ended up staying with our HOT chick pilot at her place for a couple nights, and I mean HOT, too bad nothing happened.
My aunt used to work in one of the towers. For the first time in years, her bus was late. My aunt is VP of Accounting for Bank of America so she doesn't exactly like being late. As she got off the bus yelling at the driver, boom - first plane hit. She got covered in dust/debris etc. They took her and many others on a ferry across to Hoboken, and then hosed them all off. We didn't hear from her until 8pm that day.
I lived in San Diego at the time and had not yet headed out to work. My boss called me and told me to turn on the news - that the WTC had been hit. I turned on the TV and basically sat in front of it all day in shock/tears. The company I worked for had a huge business with the financial district and we had a slew of clients in the towers. I knew some of the Cantor people (from talking to them over the phone) and some of the contract installers that perished. :(

What I remember most about the next day is the total lack of air traffic other than military planes/helicopters. So eery.
-pixy- said:
my husband was scheduled for a meeting in the towers and forgot about it, they were on the phone asking him where he was when the first plane hit.

Pixy - that just gave me chillbumps.
yeah...that was really strange. at the time I was driving to Tampa for school at night & I would go right by Tampa International Airport...typically when driving over the bridge you would see at least 10 planes fly over...it was just odd not seing a single one...
RacerXGirl said:
What I remember most about the next day is the total lack of air traffic other than military planes/helicopters. So eery.
the worst part about knowing people that were there was not being able to get in touch with them. the cellular traffic was so heavy you just couldn't get through, it was so scary.

Nick's friend, who was at the meeting, his wife was in Texas on business and freaked out because she couldn't get in touch with him. She couldn't fly home so she bought a car and drove home.
RacerXGirl said:
What I remember most about the next day is the total lack of air traffic other than military planes/helicopters. So eery.

I didn't realize how much noise we tolerate from airplanes until they just stopped flying for a couple weeks after 9/11....
I was still in architecture school in 2001. I had just gotten to my structures class. While we were watching my professor was drawing and discussing different outcomes of what 'might' happen.

it should be noted that he predicted that the towers would fall be he thought it was going to be 3-4 hours after impact.
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WOW PiXi just wow.

I was dropping my son off at daycare. I was about to leave when I heard about it on the radio and ran back inside to see it on their tv. Everyone was stunned. The grownups were in aw and tearing up and the kids 5-13yrs old were confused and trying to ask what happened and why. But no one could answer them.

I said it once Ill say it again,

God bless America and God bless New York!
I was sitting at work. I had just gotten the job like two months before it happened. I was chatting over IM with my then brother-in-law.

I heard on the radio that a plane hit a building in NY... the person talking gave the impression that it was some sort of small single-seater personal aircraft... needless to say his information was wrong. I hopped over to a news site and found out what really happaned... I don't really remember a lot of details from that day, but I do remember thinking "Why is this place still on Dial-up?"
I woke up right after the 1st plane hit. I usually watch the cable news nets, but that morning I tuned n the Todqay show. They were interviewing someone and they were on a splitscreen, and I watched the 2nd plane hit. I was like, WTF!!! Then someone got in Katie's IFB and she was on it. I was off that day, so I waited until 10am and went to the liquor store and bought a fifth of VO. I spent the rest of th day drinking and watching the news.
i was sleeping when my wife called and woke me up to ak what was going on at the WTC. i turned on the tv and saw the first tower was hit and then watched the second one get hit and both fall. i had to work later that day but they had rolled numerous tv's into the building so that we could keep up. i just remember feeling like it was a dream. it was the weirdest week of my life. thats about how long it took me to realize that it actually happened.
My wife is an RN that was working nights at the time. I missed her first call because I was in the shower getting ready for my first day at a temp job. I got the second call and she said that her Hospital was in "lockdown" (she could not leave) as a precaution because it seemed to make sense that LA could be a target and she would be needed. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and turned on the TV to see the 2nd tower get hit live like many people here did. I never before or since have seen anything on telivision that impacted me more - I didn't know if I wanted to cry or puke. I now have two young daughters and it saddens me that their world will be a far different one than the one I grew up in.
I just returned home from SAUDI ARABIA, Prince Sultan Air Base (PSAB) to be exact. I returned the night of the 10th, morning of the 11th from deployment.

I was awakened by the maintenance man from my apt. He said that "someone just bombed NY". I turned the TV on just in time to see the second plane hit the towers.

Needless to say, I grabbed my uniform and gear and headed up to Hill AFB for Force Protection Condition DELTA.