What is going on?

Dont read this is you are feeling good about your day, i didnt read it again, so mis-spelled words, and grammer are left untouched, i dont care anyways.

Everyday I feel my life gets harder, and harder. I dont know why, maybe I think about it to much. As my life has progressed, everyone I once trusted has deceaved me, all my friends I once had great times with are gone. I own my own buisness, I make good money, I go to a great school. But life still sucks for me. I dont get joy out of the things I use to. I dream of Castles, and ferraris, and lavish things. I know they are all in my grasp I just have to work hard. But I feel worse everyday. I am getting smothered from media, whats new , whats been happening in the news, in the world. Why does Paris Hiltons emails excite me? I take a step back , and look in the mirror at myself, with my glasses that are due from looking at the PC screen to much, and looking at a projector from school to long, I look at myself, and say this is all bulls***, how I would love to destroy everything. How I look at the television and see shows on MTV like my sweet 16, where spoiled bitches whine about how they didnt get a range rover at 16. Is this it , is this what i have to look forward to in my life? My heart is racing. Am i going to die off and be sick like everyone else in my family due to heart failure, and cancer.

I look at my girlfriend of almost 4 years. I am her first boyfriend ever. Will one day she realize that I am not everything she hoped for, and up and leave? Why is it I have knowone to really tell any of this to, but I feel so comfortable telling all of you this? Will I be lonely rich man, that gets caught up in politics of the world? Is there anyway I can do anything to change any of this? Sometimes i feel like I can do anything, and I really believe it, but them sometimes I feel like I can do it, but whats the point. I sit here sending out emails to future customers, pitching them ideas, why cant I call them, why cant I visit them and talk to them face to face, why do people choose to talk over IM and Email then over the phone? Why instead of a girl asking for your number she asks for your email? I guess knowone knows all this. But i am only 21 maybe this is a phase. I am 9th in my class at Reed, I have changed my major 3 times, 1st from Computer Science, to Computer Engineering, to Physics. What I am going to do with that, or any of those degrees. I once wanted to work for DOD, or NSA, but now I dont care. I studied Arabic, Farsi, for 3 years, just for that. What the hell was that for. No muslim people want to talk to me. I tried to join the Marines a couple of years ago, but I broke my neck and collar bone, and hip about 2 years ago, and when I signed up, and got everything filled out, I told them what happened, and they told me to come back when i had a clean bill of health. I dont want to go back now, I would proabably like it, I use to feel like I would be the most educated guy out there, but Matthew and other members have gave me a new outlook on it. I am not pro-military, but the reason i wanted to join, was to just do it, and do something out of the ordinary for once. But I have lost interest now.
I love life, but I hate what surronds it , if that makes any sense to anyone. I sometimes take many people for granted, and I sometimes am the biggest dick in the world. But I hate having to be. I hate spending money on myself, but I still do it, I hate wasting money, and wasteful people I guess. But I sit hear at my big desk staring at my nice monitor, and I am happy to a extent, but only for periods of times. I just want to leave it all buy a shack on a island, become a diver or something, and just leave this place, i dont care if anyone speaks english. I just want to go. I havent taken a vacation since High School, for my graduation present to myself, I went to Villanova to hear some guy speak about high yield trading. At the time I wanted to be a stock broker.Real fun there, beautiful girls, but you could tell the type, no BMW, RANGE, MERC, then they are not down.

During school breaks like summer, spring , winter, i dont go anywhere, I work , I have to be here, I have employees that need checks, and I need money too. I guess it is the burden i give myself, but you cannot have those ferraris, and castles, working for someone. I am not complaining, I am just typing this, wishing I was talking to someone about this. Everyone I know is asleep, my Girlfriend goes to work at 5:00, my dad lives 1500 miles away. The friends I do have are either wasted, or stoned, I wish i had the time to get drunk. But i guess i have enough time to scour here all day.The best conversations I have on with people online. I hate the internet, i hate the information it has. It makes people lazy, and self indulged bastards like myself. I wish I was smokin the hookah with all of you, eating some good food, drinking a pepsi, or a red stripe, hitting the hookah, watching Schumacher, and Barcello fighting it out, off my yacht in monaco. When I make my 5th million, I promise I will invite all of you to my yacht so we can watch F1.
I can dream.

Help me does anyone else feel this way?

Sorry for the length its late and i dont sleep much.
i'm not exactly where you are in life, but sometimes i do get the feeling that life just isn't cutting it and that it just gets harder while i get unhappier.

it's good you're questioning things in life. maybe there's something new for you to move on to. find something to mix things up a bit. something that will take up a lot of your spare time (while still having time for your girlfriend). for me lately it's been pool and reading this forum again.

just don't resort to drugs. those'll really **** up your life, then you really won't be happy.
its kinda funny, but I have been going indoor go-karting a lot, I use to race when my parents were still around, but I stopped when i was 17, I am thinking of getting back into it.
I have seen drugs **** to many people over, I am scared to even take oxycotin, i refused to take it when i broke my neck and s***
damn, karting is fun. haven't been in a while. play with r/c cars and make replicas of the real cars you have hehe
Hey man,

First off, everyone goes through those feelings of emptiness in my opinion, and you certainly arent alone. Pop culture and my view of the world annoy me because i feel helpless in the grand scheme. What can i do? What did i do? Nothing, i just zoned it out, and focused on what was good and made me happy in life (cars, biking, my girlfriend, most importantly me). No matter how bad things in your life can be, theres always a few good things, i promise. Theres an upside to everything, and sometimes being optimistic and taking some time to really prioritize your life is a big first step (speaking from experience). Not trying to sound like some shrink or anything, i just know that i went through the EXACT same thing when i was about to graduate college. you arent alone man, and i hope that you just find something that truly makes you happy. Keep focusing on those things and the ferraris and yachts will come soon enough, trust me.
when i was in HK they have these mini F1 cars you can drive. Its a day long thing, classes at first then an all out race at the end. Possibly the best fun i have had in a car. the cars were putting down maybe 120hp but so light and such a rush on an autox course...
no prob... its natural to hate everything once in a while... hey girls do it once a month for a week, heh heh heh...

On a serious note, sometimes things in real life that make me mad are better to just laugh at than take seriously, esp. in pop culture and politics and stuff...
yeah, some things in life are too ridiculous to really take seriously and make it a part of everyday life. screw celebrities, you're the star of your life, making things happen.
I hate to admit to it but I am in a very similar place in life... well, all except the making allot of money and owning my own company. I should be happy. Been with the lovely wife since she was 14 and I was 15, 38 now... 2 great kids, nice house(building new house with a bunch of land now) 3 nice cars great paying job at ~$42.hr.. etc... no friends to speak of, well no good friends except my wife. Only people I could call friends only call me when they need something fixed. It gets old thinking that there should be somebody out there I can call up and say hey, want to run down to Cincy this weekend and go to the AutoShow? I called half dozen people thrursday and friday and not one of them returned my call... wanted to go out Sunday. I didnt care doing what, even bowling would of been entertaining. And yet, still everybody had better things to do. I know the world doesnt revolve around me but I guess my signs of being in a depressed state aren't blatent enough. I feel for you. It has got to get better.

<TABLE><TBODY><TR align=middle><TD>[size=+1]Your Type is
[size=+2]INTJ[/size][/size]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="50%" border=0><TBODY><TR align=middle>[size=+1]<TD>Introverted</TD><TD>Intuitive</TD><TD>Thinking</TD><TD>Judging</TD>[/size]</TR><TR align=middle><TD colSpan=4>[size=+0]Strength of the preferences %[/size] </TD></TR><TR align=middle>[size=+1]<TD>67</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>56</TD></TR>[/size]</TBODY></TABLE>
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Been through this more than once in this life. Had a bout of it the other day. I think you'll find that much of what you're saying is associated with depression. I take Celexa for it, a minimum dosage daily or every other day. When I go too long without it, I get on a downer. As my medical doctor said, "We'd be better off if half the world was on Prozac."

The garbage that we find in the news has reached the point that I don't bother much with it any more--I was in the business for nearly 20 years and finally left it because I could no longer handle the s*** I reported on daily. There's more out there that's positive when you look for it.

Your own business can be a drain on your emotional well-being, regardless of how rewarding it may be financially. My wife has had her own biz for 11 years and while it's been excellent second income--she's been close to walking away from it more than once because it can be so demanding that there is little or no time for things that really count.

As for that Fazzaz and the yacht, I've had the same desires and still lust for the fast machinery, but $$$ can't buy happiness. Sounds trite and you've heard it many times, but I'm more than twice your age and I've seen this with any number of acquaintances who had all of it, and in the end, their lives were quite empty.

We're living in difficult times and there are moments I look at this world we live in and wonder, as you and so many others do, what the hell I want to stay around for. I'm still here.

Just take some time to smell the roses...you'll work it through. Trust me. (yes)
gino said:
...As my medical doctor said, "We'd be better off if half the world was on Prozac."...


Civilization has survived for thousands of years without Prozac. The problem is that in the past, the "Survival of the Fittest" laws applied - those that would now be dependent on psychological medications would have either died off or been put into an institution.

We'd be better off if none of the world was on Prozac.

(flamesuit on)
Obviously, I should commit suicide or commit myself. (rockon)
First off... stop watching the news. Nothing good ever comes from watching news. It's more depressing B.S. by the hour. Military, politics, taxes, job losses, etc. It always gets me down, so I stopped watching it. Anything I need to know in my own city I usually see when I'm working anyhow.

The military was a great way to get out and do something with yourself. Not every single experience was a great one, but I wouldn't have changed what I learned or experienced in the world. If you're young and have the means, I'd suggest anyone with an interest in the military or want a future in law enforcement to give it great consideration.

Everyone gets depressed at one time or another. It's never healthy to have long bouts of depression though. If thats the case, then seek some professional help. Alot of money, a great girlfriend, good up-bringing, success or good looks will not make you happy. These are all shallow without some sort of spirit or karma to guide you. If you need to realize what life is all about or why you are here.... go to the hospital... see the baby ward to appreciate a new life, talk to someone with a life threatening illness to appreciate just living at all. Drive to a park... a quiet one, preferably a state sanctuary. Just take a bottle of water and a blanket and be at ease for once... listen to the world around you instead of answering your cell phone. It's easy to see what's wrong with life when you think of it as a "chore" or a "bill" to pay or watch TV and see what everyone else wants you to see. See what God or in some cases, the Goddess, intended you to see and go outside and spend some time with only yourself and the elements. People forget that before computers, e-mails, cars and electronics were around, Earth was around. Go out and enjoy it. You may not be welcome in just anyone's home, but you are always welcome here.
Man...heavy duty thread...but we've all been there one time or another...you just have to refocus on what's really important to you and keep on "keepin on"...seek balance and you will find peace...hit me up on msn or pm if ya need to just "chat"...:)