I occasionally wave. Unless it's a woman. Not to be sexist or anything. Just afraid a woman might misunderstand the wave. or the nod. Although I did speak to a woman in a CX5 at a light once. Cool story I shared once before.
Pull up to a light and saw a woman driving a Mazda CX5. Had temp tags. Nice day, windows were down. It was a 17 or better.
"Nice car" I say... "Do you love it?"
"I do! It's so quiet and handles really well!"
"Yea, they're great cars!"
"Yea, I didn't love paying extra for this red but it is so pretty!"
Then she says... "Do you have one?"
"Yea, this one is mine. It's the older generation one though..."
She has a puzzled look on her face...
Light change... "Have a good one!"
"You too!"
She turns right, I go straight and then realize why the odd look... I was driving my mother in laws Jeep!