Tx Meet in the Dallas area


vivid yellow '03 Protege 5
Hey, all you fellow mazda lovers out there!! i don't know what happened to the first thread i started about having a Meet in the Dallas area but here is the second one.
i got about 16-20 votes to have this meet in mid to late March. so March it is. now all i need is help planning this thing. so, any help would be great. this is the first time for me to plan something like this.
Ahmad you had made some good suggestions to have it at Huffhines park in richardson. and i don't remember who all made suggestions to have a cook out, and everyone bring food. i like the cook out idea at the park that way those of who have kids, the kids can have something to do, play on the play ground.

Please if anyone has any other idea's lemme know!!
is this gonna ba all protege or as long as you have a mazda? Ive meet some cool mazda6 owners and would be nice to have to hang with them too. Is there like an alternative area? just asking cos seems too far for us? Just curious.
anyone with a mazda!! we are one big happy family here with mazda lovers!
well, let me think, we can do something between were you guys are and us, i think... where are you?
ft. worth here...if you can have it in centralize area..like irving and stuffs if theres even place there we can hang..but yes a park and cook out is nice..i can also bring my kids..

PS..ive seen you one time post in protegetech.org and Andy answered you back that he knows a guy thats into mazdas...that guy was me..hehe
I think we can keep huffines. Last TX meet, the Dallas people drove 4 hours to Austin, Dexter and his friend drove 12 hours, Ryan about 8 hours, and some people from VA drove who knows how long to get there. We are planning a TX statewide mazda meet here. If driving 45 minutes from Irving is too far, then you dont *have* to come.

Keep the location, its impossible to satisfy everyone, but dont change the work and planning of others for your own convenience.

/end rant
ELEmental59437 said:
I think we can keep huffines. Last TX meet, the Dallas people drove 4 hours to Austin, Dexter and his friend drove 12 hours, Ryan about 8 hours, and some people from VA drove who knows how long to get there. We are planning a TX statewide mazda meet here. If driving 45 minutes from Irving is too far, then you dont *have* to come.

Keep the location, its impossible to satisfy everyone, but dont change the work and planning of others for your own convenience.

/end rant
I agree...
ELEmental59437 said:
I think we can keep huffines. Last TX meet, the Dallas people drove 4 hours to Austin, Dexter and his friend drove 12 hours, Ryan about 8 hours, and some people from VA drove who knows how long to get there. We are planning a TX statewide mazda meet here. If driving 45 minutes from Irving is too far, then you dont *have* to come.

Keep the location, its impossible to satisfy everyone, but dont change the work and planning of others for your own convenience.

/end rant
that part i really like ahmad!! end rant..lol you have good point there.
txmzdspd2gen said:
ft. worth here...if you can have it in centralize area..like irving and stuffs if theres even place there we can hang..but yes a park and cook out is nice..i can also bring my kids..

PS..ive seen you one time post in protegetech.org and Andy answered you back that he knows a guy thats into mazdas...that guy was me..hehe
i really understand where your coming from but, it planning is already in the works like ahmad was saying. it would change to much to have it moved at this point. and it is a Tx wide meet so anyone and everyone in TX or other states can come.. Ryan is in Ok and he'll probly come. there are to may people involved in this meet for me to change it now. i am sorry...

and i sorry i didn't know that was you on the other forum, i guess i should have known bye your sign pic.huhlol(omg) and yes do bring the kids we will have ours.. and it's a park with a nice really nice new playground for them to play on.
hey, if planning is on going im ok with that. Just thought im trying to help out houston and some other south texas people. What ever that place is..im not familiar so i can still come. you know me i need directions..hahah
Tommy1005 said:
does a dog count as a kid?
depends on what kind of dog it is... and you have to think about the kids that will be there, are they scared of dogs or are they allergic....how big is he/she anyway?
also, i need to make sure with the city if dogs are ok at the park we are having the meet at. i am sure they are but i want to make sure. better to be safe. huh(cool)

txmzdspd2gen said:
hey, if planning is on going im ok with that. Just thought im trying to help out houston and some other south texas people. What ever that place is..im not familiar so i can still come. you know me i need directions..hahah
yes, the planning has been going for a while now, just wanting on the locals to pitch in and help me(hehe as this is my first time to plan such an event), this is a tx wide event, as austin and houston have had in the past, so i think it's fair to have them come up here too. it's all good, we are going to have a good time, it's one huge happy mazda family!! i can't wait.... wait, i have know idea how many grill are at this park.. hmmm i guess i need to go check it out.. and let you all know if we need to bring grills..
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