This forum has gone downhill

DrUnKeN PaNdA said:
. I have been on here from the begining and have seen the downfall.


I agree though, some of these flamewars are ridiculous. Everything use to be happy and peaceful(hippy).
maybe part of the problem is people posting in the wrong forum? this post is a perfect example.
I would suggest setting up a new Sticky that says, NEW MSP MEMBERS: LOOK HERE FIRST! Then you could list a lot of information about the car (ie. hesitation, clunk, increasing boost) and give them pointers (ie use search for general topics). That could clear up some mess.

Also, I would suggest deleting some of the old stickies. There seems to be too many useless ones on this board.
this place certainly isnt as nice as some other forums, but i did learn about boost controllers, whether FMIC or not will help, and of course the "uncataloged features" of our cars (can someone say hesitation or the leak?). so yeah, it could use a lift.
RazorP5 said:
maybe part of the problem is people posting in the wrong forum? this post is a perfect example.

This is true. Very seldom i take a peek into the MSP section, it is a mad house in there. Plus i cant keep up, it would take forever to read all the topics.
drunken dude..... less than 40 havent contributed jack all? its a message board....

if you are going to b**** at least come up with some solutions... and AGREED people need to use the search function a bit more..but this is ALWAYS going to happen.

may 2003? wtf.....try somtime in 2001...
Personally I hate seeing "use the search" over and over. It totally defeats what a discussion board is all about. Discussion. It also doesn't give a newbie a very good impression and discourages them from even wanting to post. If you get rid of discussion, you would basically have an information site.

I have been on car forums for over two years now. I mod on two and have been administrator of another. The last thing I do is to spout off, lecturing someone on the finer points of the search button, when alot of times it would be quicker and more socialable to answer the question.

I'm speaking for myself in saying I don't see alot of friendliness and helpfulness floating this and the other protege board. Not as much as some others anyway.
the only reason i venture into the nether regions of the MSP madhouse is because i have the new threads option turned on and see the post title rather than the post section...
y0, i am an OLD SCHOOL member here, and i have spent countless hours working on this site and keeping up with all the INFORMATIVE posts pertaining to my car.

enry, i shall answer your "call to arms"...hit me on msn and we'll talk...

panda i tell everyone else, if you do not like the site, and what it has to offer, then don't come here. it's quite simple, really.

and i dont know who brought it up, but one HUGE problem with this board, is the fact that msp owners RARELY venture out of their "section" when making new posts, hence we have a shitload of threads in the wrong forums, and it takes alot of time to selectively move threads one page at a time.

sorry, but i had a lot to say.
that would be me that brought that up, its very frustrating...

feel free to move my threads on valve cover, and racingmazda headers anywhere you feel the need to...i think those posts have been very helpful, and seeing how im not incredibly technically inclined, are some of my better contributions...other than that, i can try to work on those buttons for you enry, but i need to find the exact pics you are trying to use (maybe you could pm me their location)...
Monstermile said:
Personally I hate seeing "use the search" over and over. It totally defeats what a discussion board is all about. Discussion. It also doesn't give a newbie a very good impression and discourages them from even wanting to post. If you get rid of discussion, you would basically have an information site.

I have been on car forums for over two years now. I mod on two and have been administrator of another. The last thing I do is to spout off, lecturing someone on the finer points of the search button, when alot of times it would be quicker and more socialable to answer the question.

I'm speaking for myself in saying I don't see alot of friendliness and helpfulness floating this and the other protege board. Not as much as some others anyway.
i agree, heres to that (beer)
Well, speaking only for myself, I can say that I'm one of the MSP owners that doesn't venture out of this section very often. Hell, I NEVER did for the first couple months. And the reason for that is because this board just moves too damn fast for me to keep up. I can't even get the time to read all of the posts in THIS section much less all of the other ones - so I never really got familiar with what other sections were out there. Plus I'm lazy as hell -- I want all of my info plopped right in my lap on 1 page -- I'd rather not go clicking all over hell to find what I'm looking for.

Now having said all of that, I am trying to venture out into the other sections more often now. Doing that is pissing me off though because it is taking up my entire day and becoming an addiction. There's too damn many good threads to read - and if I'm only able to read 1/2 of them I figure I might as well read them here because chances are they'll apply more to me than a post in another section.

To recap:
1. Yes, this section of the forum is going down hill as far as informativeness. But that's OK and actually should be expected IMO.
2. Like most are saying, it is better to venture outside of this section if you have the time and are not satisified with the info here. There really are some good topics in the other sections that inevitably will apply to you.
3. I usually won't do #2 because I don't have time.
i myself only look in 2 forums, dont see a need to look in another, like say the P5 (pukey) .the msp forum is everything i need really.
all my questions and advice comes from here.
DrUnKeN PaNdA said:
WOW! cdcbd dont flame anyone buddy. Jesus anyways I have actually met a couple cool people due to this forum. TampaBlackMSP for instance is cool as ****..oh yeah and by the way I have been trying to set a ******* pace by purchasing everything so as to show everyone the difference and so I can install it FOR FREE. While on the subject of contributing.... I am in the process of getting a 3" DP back exhaust made with a optional muffler for under 900 bucks. Oh yeah and after I paid FULL price for my pillar and guages...I am trying to get a group buy toghter for everyone in Tampa to save them some money..b/c I am not a dick. It to bad you dont know me before you try to hate.
All right, I believe I got off too strong, my bad. I reread my post and yes, that was out of line. If you forgive me, but I guess it's just many people's natures (I for one) to base forum credibility on the # of posts and when that person joined (hence the comments about you only joining on May 2003). So, leaving my initial emotional remark aside...

Asterchild is correct to say that this forum has a completely different demographic and that affects what you see here. Mazda isn't far when they say this: :D

Most people on this forum are young, like myself, and most of them are new to modifying their cars (also like myself). That's where we get the repeat newbie questions. I do agree that sometimes I just ignore those, but it's also an opportunity for me to teach a newbie just like I learned when I first started lurking the forum.

Perhaps yes, we should try to find ways to make this forum "clearer" to initial newbies who might stumble upon it, but still have the "inteligent" :D discussions we always see in the MSP section (I had to, j/k).

I do like having a good visual newbie FAQ sticky on the forum, just laying out some ground rules, info, and tips for finding info on the forum.

Once again DrUnKeN PaNdA, I'm sorry I was quick to jump on your thread without gathering myself first(maybe it was the Honda forum comment) :D
enry said:
What do you suggest? Antoine, Me, other admins & Mods would like to keep everyone happy.

Cough, give 1sty total, supreme power, Cough, Cough.

DrUnKeN PaNdA said:
Yes read the subject. I have been on here from the begining and have seen the downfall. Educated posts about things that mattered, like Joe's new products are no longer. Then some of the stupidest people ask the most repetitive Q's. It is called search. Anyone who actually cared about helping others make their cars fast has left. I am still only here because I want to see some new parts available. This Forum is like a Honda forum now.

I have a problem with this form the beggining, you are a tech and have virtualy NO POSTS!
Its someone like yourself that you are saying won't help, why didn't you ever? I will give you benifit of the doubt that you re-registered recently. Otherwise, 40 post, come on.

The real problem is the people with the best knowledge don't usualy want to take the time to help. I have yet to come across a active member that is a mazda tech and willingly gives up information.

Also to much slides. Rarely do I see post moved that need be or irrelivent post removed form important and informative threads.
I am more guilty of cluttering the board then are most but I realize it needs cleaning.

Just becuase the question is obvious and repeditive to you, doesn't mean it is to them. Also many times a newbie can not find the info they need in searches do to clutter and flaiming. I get a ton of repeditive questions in the audio section and I can't think of a time I ever ignored it or posted simply a reply of "Search".
i live in tampa and know DrUnKeN PaNdA and he's a cool and helpful guy. he's just saying what he feel's about the site "what's up chris"
I've been here since may or so..since the day i bought my DX..haha..seriously..the day I bought it...I check this forum everyday, granted the "what should I buy" questions get a little old..but new members..are NEW members..and the more the merrier..cut them a little slack..I have done my share of "try searching" it goes..I've meet some real chill guys on this forum especially the crew from the foxboro meet in ma! which was cool as hell! 1st Mp3 in NH, bazooka joe, servo eyes, chuyler1, volley2six, slug420..all great guys!! but, again...lets keep the forum in one piece...good call on that how-to move..thats a pretty good idea..or maybe highlight the text of the technical sections or something..something to catch the eye of those with questions...and btw..i like posting the "hey check out my new headlight bulbs" posts...i like to look at my slow ass car online, it makes me feel special..haha..
so many threads complaining about complaining...

threads like this dont help. why dont you spend your time posting helpful posts instead of bitching about how people dont post helpful stuff?

this forum rox. nuff said.

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