The Materialistic b**** Thread

Girls can be pretty hard to understand these days. Unfortunetly, this era is full of girls that care about what kind of shoes you're wearing, where you bought your clothes at, what kind of car you drive, what kind of job you have and how much it pays, whether or not their friends like you or think you're cute, if you're good in bed (because their friends want to know every little detail), want you to tell them how cute they are 24/7 or at least mention that you like their new toenail color, etc. etc. And some of them will try to dress you, tell you not to do the things you ordinarily do, tell you that you need to spend more time with her than you do your friends or your car.. the list goes on.

Men are very easy to understand and get along with.

Rule #1.. let him have his "guy" time. That means his personal jerk off time with porns if you aint available or just to go out with friends to hang out. lol

Rule #2, feed him.. men like to eat, so make him his favorite dinners & buy his favorite comfort food (ghost likes chocolate chip cookes with milk), so keep the cupboard stocked with his favorite goodies. The way to a man's heart is still his stomach.

Rule#3, tell him he's important to you and make him feel wanted.. if not, men might look elsewhere to feel "needed". So just like women need to hear that they're sexy or pretty, guys need to hear sort of the same things. Except most of em want something similar to a pat on the back or a trophy even if it's just fixing something small in the house like a light bulb. :D

Rule#4, after a washing.. DONT TOUCH THE finger prints...dont leave your gum wrappers in it, dont spray perfume in it and DONT put a cute stuffed animal in it, unless he happens to like hello kitty.

Rule#5, dress sexy, even if its just around the house every now and then. He doesnt always want to see you in sweats and a baggy shirt. So prance around in tiny shorts and a tight shirt. When his friends come over, cover up, but still look a little sexy so that they can tell him how fortunete he is to have a gal like you for his girl. Then hook said friends up with your sister... lol jk
Yeah, what Lara said...and here's my two cents:

There is no need to be with someone who doesn't have *your* best interests at heart and cannot appreciate what you enjoy. Doesn't mean they have to love it to pieces too, but they should be able to get enjoyment out of seeing you happy (i.e., your car). If all she is concerned about now is getting a BMW because they cost a lot of money and/or other people have them (versus appreciating a fine German auto for what it is), who has what and how much it costs, let her go. There are women out there who love autos, love being in a relationship/partnership, and will take you lock, stock and barrel for you who are, not who they want you to be.
The scarey part about materialistic chicks is if you were to have a long relationship, she will make you both miserable because she doesn't know how to spend money correctly. Nothing sucks more than money stress.
I just have to say something...

Lara and Joyce? (RacerXGirl), you both rock.

anyway, Yeah I stayed VERY clear of materialistic girls. I've seen way too many relationships ruined in the past. (not mine, I learned from my friends mistakes...)

My wife hated my first car (an 02 Focus ZX3) but I never found out about it until I got my Protege. She liked my Pro because it was fun and practical, but didn't like me spending money on it at first. We compromised as I don't spend as much on the car, and she let me make the purchases I wanted because they made me happy. Now with my current car, She's learning all about it and is showing interest. Of course I helped her buy an 05 Civic LX saloon and I have my 05 Civic Si hatchback. Her's is auto, and mine's obviously a 5-speed. She's looking at rims and bodykits for her own car and is asking stuff like how will an intake and exhaust change the car's behaviour and sound. She learned how to drive a 5-speed just to drive my car around, and she's looking after it following my advice while i'm deployed. And even though we're saving to buy a house, She's letting me spend $2500+ in parts. (i'm getting about 11 grand back from the deployment and we're getting 7 grand back from taxes).

Anyway, the right girl is out there, you just gotta know where and how to look. If you're looking in a bar, you're not really in the right place to find a girl to marry...
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im buying my wife an integra at 6 today if everything works out. And it will probably get modded. :)
lol ross @ the pic. That was during a Wisconsin meet when we went for a fun run. She couldn't handle being in your car or your buddy's MSP (forgot which) so she went with the auto p5 that was hanging back. Fun times. She seemed ok when we talked though - hell she even commented that she liked the power my p5 put down.

you know I originally thought a protege was a pile. When I was looking for cars, I'd heard about them, but turned my nose up because of gas mileage. A few magazine articles and test drives later, I had one though. Maybe she just needs to drive one.

The real test is the gas test. If she freaks out when you fart in her proximity, then she is only hanging on for the moneys. If she likes it or farts with you, she's a keeper.
laracroft said:
Rule#4, after a washing.. DONT TOUCH THE finger prints...dont leave your gum wrappers in it, dont spray perfume in it and DONT put a cute stuffed animal in it, unless he happens to like hello kitty.

I currently have Stitch nestled in my rear seat. While I'm gone, he protects my car from evil doers and door dings.
zerorossi said:
on the left, bad pic off of myspace


She is a pig...dump her.
You just need to find a girl that is interested in cars mine...then it will be awesome. I don't like materialistic people (girls or guys) at all, can't stand them. I'm not that way at all...