The Annual Akron Area Cookout - Phen's Place - Sept 1st

Dont think I'll be able to make this years.
Trying to make it fit in between family events that day. Whats the latest that everyone stays typically?
Trying to make it fit in between family events that day. Whats the latest that everyone stays typically?

Some stay for a couple hours, some stay until the next day (because we're too buzzed up to drive). It doesn't really have a set end time. I'll shoot you my number in a PM and you can just get ahold of me that day.
Hell... stupid work network is making PMs difficult. For those who need to contact me and don't have my number...

Two Four Zero
Nintey One 57.
I know we're anxiously awaiting our auto-x times but what I'm most curious about is if Corey finished that quart of ice cream he was eating at Mr. Freeze.
I know we're anxiously awaiting our auto-x times but what I'm most curious about is if Corey finished that quart of ice cream he was eating at Mr. Freeze.

You aren't kidding there! That s*** would have killed me. Evan would have definitely gotten a text at 3am with me stating how much I hate my life.
So I have some good news (sort of). My moving date got pushed back 1 week. The previous tenants aren't able to move out until this weekend and then the apartment has to be painted and cleaned. So I'll be coming to the cookout now. You can add me to the list with a +1. I'll bring my canopy and I can bring cookies if you still need someone to bring those.
Sweet! Thanks man. I just posted on the FaceSpace looking for an EZ-Up or tables. I remember last time having to improvise with TV trays. Wasn't the best. LOL.
Glad you guys can make it and supply the badass Giant Eagle cookies you always bring to every event/cookout, #2. haha
I'll definitely bring those cookies. Hopefully I don't eat them on the drive out there HAHA
I posted this on facebook as well but I'll bring cheesy potatoes and buns. How man pack of hamburger and hotdog should I bring?
Replied on FB.

Supply list:

Buns: Patrick - 3 packs of each (for now)

Paper Plates: I have about 100, but it may not be a bad idea to have a backup pack
Napkins: If anyone can bring these, that'd be awesome. If not, I'll hit the store that morning

Beer: Phen - a keg, but please BYOB as well as you may not like my selection
6pk of Coronitas: Evan, and he'll be all buggered up afterward.
Soda (if desired):

Evan #2 - Cookies

Pulled Pork: My Mom said she is planning to bring this
Chili From Hell: Phen
Dogs, Cats, Cows: Fez
Man Burgers: Pablo

Chips: Evan
Buffalo Chicken Dip: Jordy
Cheesy Potatoes: Patrick
Beans: Jim and Julie