Stupid f$%#ing cops!!

Hey Just be thankful you're not a black male. They would have searched you and given you 3 warning shots in the back.
Ha i got pulled over the other day by a depudy sheriff. He just got done pulling someone over and turned off his lights when I was driving by. I have a radar detector and for the simple fact I JUST PASSED A COP i was doing the speed limit. Then it dropped from 45 to 35 and I look in my rear view and BAM! he was on my ass. I looked down and i was doing 43 and just passed the 35 mark. Still my radar didn't go off. So i slowed down.. came up to a light and hit my turn signal to turn left. And then he did.. i knew right away he was going to light my ass up. I was fixing to change my mind and go straight but i was like F$ck it. I started to turn and he hit his lights. I pulled over.. cut the engine off and rolled down my window and i could help by laugh.. i was laughing all the way up until he came up to me. I was still smiling when he introduced himself. He was like " do you know the reason why I pulled you over?" With a dumb founded look on my face i was like... no, why did you pull me over? He said I was speeding and was doing 51 in a 45. He did the usual and looked at my insurance and licence and saw I was out of town and asked how my driving record was.. i told him the truth. He then said my speeding was probably due to the different tires I got on and let me go.. with a verbal warning. :)