stoopid firework stories


09 Mazda 6 / 10 Mazda CX-9
My story - Well im drunk and winded up putting a bottle rocket upside down in a glass beer bottle and well it exploded glass about a good 15 ft, I could hear it clanging off my wifes hood lol...needless to say I've spent the last 15 minutes trying to find glass shrapnel.... (first) drunken firework stories ftw!!
My story - Well im drunk and winded up putting a bottle rocket upside down in a glass beer bottle and well it exploded glass about a good 15 ft, I could hear it clanging off my wifes hood lol...needless to say I've spent the last 15 minutes trying to find glass shrapnel.... (first) drunken firework stories ftw!!

is the hood ok? lol
LMAO...I dunno, too drunk to care at this point. Nah, it's cool. At that distance the pieces were small

For me it's gotta be new years 99, saw the black sabbath reunion in phoenix, and we were shooting off fireworks afterwards from the 3rd story balcony at the hotel. Some other drunkards were across the parking lot doing the same thing from the 2nd story balcony, and a "friendly" shootout incurred. For the finale, a wayward artillery shell found it's way directly underneath a semi truck cab parked in the lot. I thought she was gonna blow and hit the deck inside our room, lol.

After that shot, it quieted down big time. I am sure the rest of the hotel patrons were pleased.
Me and my friends used to **** around and we'd all be chilling somewhere, usually baked out of our brains and me or someone would take a bottle rocket off the stick and secretly light it and drop it at a not so safe distance around everyone then watch everyone scatter over each other...Well that came to an abrupt end when the kamikaze bottle rocket ended up in the collar of a friends girlfriends sweater...and then went kaboom...that killed the fun real quick...and it didnt help later when we put one in her back pocket...God we were evil....
No not going to incriminate myself

oh s***, did i just incirminate myself by saying that? not that im all coked up and drunk rite now or anyting lik dat...damn i feel lik i need to go wax an buff my car and run around the block and.... (nailbyt) (sssh) (headbang)

okay - how did this go from stupid fireworks stories to illegal drug usage? Keep it on track guys. :)
Snap...5-0!!!!! RUN ZOOMit...*scatters over fence*

Sorry..alrighty, i know someone else has got some stories
In '99 there was a sparkler wrapped in paper sort of rainbow colored. This sparkler would shoot up not around like the normal old sparklers...did not know that. I never saw them before. Well I had my wife holding 2 of them while I lit them for the kids. They lit, burned and peeled off the top layer of skin on my thumb. You want to talk about pain. No matter how much I drank that night to stop the pain it didn't help at all. To top it off it was the first time meeting my wifes family. Looked like a total jackass!

By the way, they don't sell those anymore. I wonder why?
we used to shoot mortar shells at people's houses. i know that it sounds bad, but they would pop about 10 feet from their house and light up their whole front yard in the middle of the night. we would just hold the tube up against the side of the truck and launch them from there while the truck was still moving. one night, we were doing this and we came to a friend of mine's house, and, i guess that the house was a little closer to the street than we were used to or, i don't know. all that i know is that after this one launched, it didn't blow up 10 feet before her house. it didn't blow up before it hit her house at all. it hit about 2-3 inches above a window, then fell, then exploded. nothing got broken, but it could have turned out really bad. that ended that.