stay the *&%^ out!

i'm work and go to school in salem, ma...once september and october roll around it takes me over 35-40 minutes to get to school sometimes because i have to drive right through downtown, damn tourists annoy the crap outa me. people literally pull over every 2 seconds to ask where the witch museum is, find it yourself or use your navigation!!

also, mass has a lot of beaches that you have to pay to go on, nahant and pretty much everything in gloucester, rockport area, probably the cape too.
it's you and all your school buddys that are creating the extra traffic!! :)

here in Baltimore the traffic during the school year is TWICE as bad as it is in the summer months..

tourists are everywhere! does anyone know of a website that lists or ranks the top tourist attractions? i'd be interested to see where the Baltimore Harbor/Fort McHenry/Fells Point/etc all rank compared to the rest of North America. I can't even enjoy it and it's my own backyard!
oh man leaf peepers are the worst they drive on the main and back roads and drive like old people ****... slow and ugly!!! all over the road staring at this tree or that tree and doing 25 in a 50!!!! they are the worst hands down no contest!
Ya, we have the same problem here on the coast of Ct. I live 10 miles from Mystic (Mystic Pizza, woopee!). 8 million NJ/NY plates on one side of I-95, 6 million Ma/R.I. plates on the other. Can't get into town for anything on weekends all summer.
But look on the bright side Tsunami, you get the place to yourself in the winter, everybody eats all winter from summer revenue, and in summer all those hot, tanned tourist chicks sporting bikinis... oh man, I forgot, you're in Maine. (lol2)

JK! I agree it does suck, but that's the price for living in a place worth going to.
lol funny thing is we only get fat ugly canadian tourists in biknis... and the hairy nasty canadain men sportin banana hammocks!!! just a note i would deffinatly avoid old orchard beach in the warm weather as that seems to be their major hang out...

leafers are here in full force i think last weekend was peak around my area but they are still here and going slow as ever....

sad part about the winter months is i live near a ski mountain so it calms down some but they overly wealthy douches still find ways to piss me off in their over sized/over priced SUVs with 3 milllion dollars in skis and snow mobiles hanging off of it