Speed 6 Tire rotation


Im sure this is covered somewhere but I spent 15 min searching and coudln't find. I read somewhere that with our cars you should only rotate front to back but I had always thought that AWD cars should swap front to back as well as laterally. So drivers wheel goes to passengers side rear wheel and so on.

Getting my oil changed today so im having the tires rotated / aligned.'

It depends on if you have directional tires or not. If you have directional tires, you will have to unmount and flip the tires in order to rotate them laterally.
Non directional tires rotate front tires straight back and cross rear tires foward. Directional tires same side front to back only....
This is wrong. With the old bias-ply tires and a full size spare you would cross rotate. With any kind of radials you only rotate front to back. The belts will take a set and if you switch sides you run the chance of problems.
Although the asymmetrical tires we have are able to be cross-rotated, I've always been told to just stick with front to back. Same reasons that chief mentioned, the belts will 'shift' if they are swapped. So far front-to-back has worked well for me.
Yeah I only did front to back. I saw some other posts about this and there was too much ambiguity so I just kept it simple. Heard that the stockers don't last long but im almost at 19K and that was the first rotation I have done and they are still holding up. Should last me to 25.
Had my oil changed just now. The guy stalled my car about 5 times before I told him I would pull it in myself. Anyway not sure if he drained the oil enough. Only put about 5 and 1/2 quarts in there and it was pretty full. Only charged me 13 bucks and put a new oil filter in there so I guess I can't complain too much. Wish I could do it myself.