So...about 11 September...

1st MP3 in NH said:
I can not think of a single event that changed this country more then the bombin of PH. State or no state. It envoked an immedait retaliation by us and bought this country far out of its want of isolation.

11 September did those things. And more, I'd suppose. It changed how we do business (thankfully, we have a hard-assed, take no Sh|t leadership in place).

There wasn't an 'immediate retalitation' - no more than what we did in Afghanistan. We only didn't declare articles of war because we didn't have a country attacking us - we had some whacked out, Quaran'-reading whack jobs.
1st MP3 in NH said:
I can not think of a single event that changed this country more then the bombin of PH. State or no state. It envoked an immedait retaliation by us and bought this country far out of its want of isolation.

and that is why I think people should remember these days, because people should know and remember that you f@%K with us and we will hand you your ass.
yeah ust because hawaii wasnt a state and it was a naval station..not an office ****** sux either way neither one of them knew it was goin to happen and they for the most part were all proud americans who died i say remember them...**** that one holiday for all holiday crap..have the holiday one the day it not sayin this for a day off i could care less..but it helps people remember !
It comes down to pearl harbor was over 60 years ago and I don't know many people that "forgot" about it. In fact i have yet to find one person that was alive then not be able to tell me most of there days activities after hearing about it. Not to mention most everyone not alive then still knows and remebers it.
Again a government holiday although well intended is just the government trying to forcibly tell people what they should think and when and even extends to what they are allowed to do on that day.
Just to add fuel to the fire.

Personally, I wouldn't want another "holiday". I see way too many people (on the order of 90%+) of the population not even take the time to remember or care for what a holiday really means. I see people taking Memorial Day off, but how many actually remember the veterans that fought for the country? I see people take Labor Day off, but how many pay respects to those that did, and still do, work tirelessly to build to what this country is? How many actually care about Independence Day - how many can actually speak of the founding fathers and even of the Declaration of Independence? Most just see it as another excuse for a 3- or 4- or weeklong holiday.

Granted, I'm unsure of how many use the holidays - through rememberence or other methods, but once upon a time, there was no such thing as a "Memorial Day Sale" or "Independence Day Sale". The historical implications of these events and holidays has become only an excuse to sell products and services and promote consumerism, instead of allowing people to express the meaning of the day without it. The US flag is imprinted on napkins, paper plates, and other items and are readily disposed on holidays - where is the reverence for the flag? for the holiday? for the country?

So, while *we* may remember these events of Sept. 11th, 2001 as we were able to bear witness to them, tragic as they may be. What of future generations that will not be able to remember these events? I see how holidays that were once a *part* of the American fabric - those that meant someothing to most everyone - have become a figment of some past event at some point in time that few can recollect any longer.

I have mixed feelings about it, but right now I would rather not see a holiday dedicated to those events.
I have mixed opinions on this subject. On one hand I say yes, make it a holiday because such a tragedy should never be forgotten.

But on the other hand I say no, it should stay as it is: September 11. I for one cannot stop the feelings of anguish and sorrow for those lives lost when I hear "September 11th" or "9/11". This day will be ingrained into my head until the day I die. In my opinion, it does not need a holiday, a mere mention of the day is so powerful to me that it stands on its own - federally observed or not.
I dont think it should be a holiday nor should people have it off. We can't let the terrorists stop life every ******* September 11th of every ******* year. People wouldn't use it to sit at home and remember anything either, they would go out for a day of fun.

We should just try to go about life as normally as possible on 9/11.
Darin said:
11 September did those things. And more, I'd suppose. It changed how we do business (thankfully, we have a hard-assed, take no Sh|t leadership in place).

Well PH changed the way business was done then, as 9/11 changed the way we do business now. When the war in the east was over, and germany was defeated, we went and dropped the H-bomb. In the same aspect we went to afgainastain and bomb the s*** out of them, and now Iraq. As sad as it may be, sometimes it takes something bad to make us wakeup. IN PH we learned not to put all of the fleet in one place, not to get too relaxed, and many other things. 9/11 has taught us many things, some of which we are still learning. The world does not like us, infact most countries I have been to, the people do not like Americans, but if it was not for us there would be a lot more blood shed.
It would be a good gesture but it's not needed. No one who witnessed it will forget, and unfortunatelly all the ones who didn't witness it (future generations) won't really care as much to remember either.

Sure, I'd like the day off, but that's all it would be. There is no way any 9/11 for the rest of my life will go by without me thinking about all the suffering from that day.

Like it was said, it would eventually just turn into another 3 day weekend like Memorial day where traffic sucks because everybody has made travel plans and is taking a vacation - and of course there will be 9/11 sales events too.

No one can force anyone to remember, they don't have to.
I lost a cousin in the pentagon on 9-11, but I don't think an ofiical holiday, is gonna make it any better. People either will remember, or they won't, there is nothing I can do.
I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean... holiday. Like StarvingR said...don't let them affect us. Move forward as much as you can. It was a sad day, and it tears at my heart to think of it two years later, and probably until the day I drop. Someone i heard on the radio (a congressman) said that perhaps we should do something like they so in Isreal...the all stop at a certain time and shut the country down for like 5 minutes. Then everyone goes back to work.
Really? I looked at my clock this morning and it was 9:11 am then I looked at it 12 hours later and it was 9:11 pm on 9/11. Coincidence? I THINK NOT! (i dont mean to be an ass)