Slow to warm up in cold weather issue

Slow to warm up in cold weather. Suspected a failed open thermostat so changed it out with the Mazda part. Some improvement but not same as last 3 winters. Anyone seeing similar issue with the Turbo motor?
Mine has had a harder time lately getting all the way there, but it has been really cold in Nebraska lately.
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I am in Montana and we have had some cold weather around -20°F and no issues with warming up. My wife parks at her work and it sits out in that for 8 or 9 hours and it gets fully warmed up by the time she makes the 12 mile drive home.
It's been under 15*F here and my car warms up fine. The automatic heat doesn't get going until the engine warms up, so if you're blasting all the warm air inside the car the engine doesn't have as much heat for itself. I think you're making plenty of toque @ ~2500rpm anyways so as long as you're not revving it too hard you can drive along just fine.

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