

Black tinted '02 P5
this thread is for him in the hopes that he posts here. I sent him a PM.

Where did he go????
he probably didnt like the direction the forum is headed in and decided to abandon ship.
Well, I have tried today to not flame anyone.

If we all try this, perhaps it will become better.

i tried, but people started crying for stupid reasons and i had to say something
the last i read, his father died and he didnt take it well. I might head over to protegeclub and check it out sometime... Cant be doing much worse than this site...
he saw the amount of dipshits on here vs true enthusiests and prolly jumped ship.. s*** i would too.. its pretty sad. a year ago there was a wealth of info on here and alot of helpful people.. now there isnt s*** here really.. i dont even post much anymore.. whats the point.. all youll do is get flamed or start some bulls*** arguement..
lets face it.. the forum has gone to hell.. all the people i considered friends on here are almost gone.. theres not that homey feel anymore..
every 5 minutes there is a new flame thread, a new check out my new air freshener thread, an appolagy thread, a ton of bulls*** disclaimers and people changing their sigs to say they are never coming on the forum again.. but yet they are still here. -=\
this s*** is a joke.
maybe when this forum goes back to being a forum about cars and not about being a place for abused lil puppies to vent their frustrations then maybe the old people will start posting again.. ths is.. if we dont all sell our cars..
after all.. the reason most of us worked so hard on the cars was the feeling from the forum.. the feeling of family.. that my friends.. im sad to say. is no longer here..
mypfizzle said:
he saw the amount of dipshits on here vs true enthusiests and prolly jumped ship.. s*** i would too.. its pretty sad. a year ago there was a wealth of info on here and alot of helpful people.. now there isnt s*** here really.. i dont even post much anymore.. whats the point.. all youll do is get flamed or start some bulls*** arguement..
lets face it.. the forum has gone to hell.. all the people i considered friends on here are almost gone.. theres not that homey feel anymore..
every 5 minutes there is a new flame thread, a new check out my new air freshener thread, an appolagy thread, a ton of bulls*** disclaimers and people changing their sigs to say they are never coming on the forum again.. but yet they are still here. -=\
this s*** is a joke.
maybe when this forum goes back to being a forum about cars and not about being a place for abused lil puppies to vent their frustrations then maybe the old people will start posting again.. ths is.. if we dont all sell our cars..
after all.. the reason most of us worked so hard on the cars was the feeling from the forum.. the feeling of family.. that my friends.. im sad to say. is no longer here..

I 100% agree with this statement...
after all.. sir nuke was the first person to ever greet me to either forum.. back when everyone was nice.. and was here for the beterment of the protege community.. whens the last time u have seen that lil welcome about kick up your feet and the fridge is in the corner? stuff like that made me feel welcome..
its pretty sad the only time i really post on here now it to say hey to the people i dont talk to on the phone.. or to try to explain why this has gone to s***... -=\
and if my comments offend u.. your prolly one of the fucktards im talkin about. -=\.. lets be real.. the last person to try to fix some s*** was matt.. and they called him a forum nazi. -=\
I agree also. I also think alot of people left to either Promazda or MOCC forums. Sometimes they'll post once in a while but not as often.
yeah.. i think my relationship with the forum is about to be totally pm based from now on.. that way i can still send threats to steve about stealing his body kit while he sleeps. -=P
Im about to jump ship as well. This place has gotten annoying. I have been here for a year and a half, and in the beggining I had no idea that a forum could be so informative. However in the last 6-8 months there hasn't been a thread worth posting at.

Thanks to PDHaudio for setting up a michigan car forum, I think I will be spending much more time over there, less people and a closer nit group.
protejay5 said:
he probably didnt like the direction the forum is headed in and decided to abandon ship.

I agree...He probably saw all of the ignorant punk kids that get on here and make personal attacks and act like jerks. It's a shame, but unfortunately the whole import community seems to be going downhill. There are some awesome people, but in general just too much junk being posted. This used to be a very INFORMATIVE site. Now everyone just likes to bicker and fight and trash talk fellow owners' ideas.

/end rant
I was so excited about finally joining the forum to get the famous greet! Hell he lives 30 minutes away I thought I would have met him in person by now. No such luck he was pretty much MIA early November. I have asked several houston guys and no one knows much. :(
Familia323 said:
too bad we can't find a way to get this site back to the way it was...

I wish there was.....There would be a lot of changes they would need to make and more moderation.
I think all we need is a newbie section. All info and introductions posted there, and we should take away the flamewars or whatever it's called away. If people have problems with someone else they should PM each other or just learn to use the ignore button.

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