Save the Internet!!

Mr. Win

Howardforums has a flashing THIS IS A BIG DEAL sign so I figured I'd cross post and see if you guys could shed some light on the subject. This means the forum could have even more SERVER BUSY ERRORS!!!! lol

Time is Ticking!

The future of the Internet is at risk. Don't believe me? Just do a Google search for Network Neutrality. The risk of censorship on the Internet, where multi-trillion dollar telecommunications companies can choose who can and can't post content on the Internet, is very real!

Time is running out. The Federal Communications Commission has opened the floor so that citizens (you and me!) can send send them comments, stories, and thoughts on the ongoing debate regarding Network Neutrality. The FCC is only accepting comments during a short time window.

ACT NOW by sending a message to the FCC (very easy to do; just fill out a form online!), a message to your representative of Congress (also an easy web form!), and even by calling your Congress representatives.

Please take a few minutes and go to... help save the Internet as we know it.

For more information on Network Neutrality, what it means to you, and how the Internet's landscape is changing, please click here. To read a far more in-depth analysis of what Network Netrality is all about, click here.
i signed the petition.

So basically these big companies want to take over the internet and determine what they think should be allowed on the interent. Meaning whoever pays them they will allow?
I'll write up a summary of what it means and sticky it first thing in the morning..

super quick summary: High Speed Porn will COST YOU.. Yes.. that's right.. unless you want to revert back to 8-bit porn. THIS ISSUE matters to you
Fear said:
Who gives a s***? This won't happen anyway.

There ya go! Don't invoke your right as a citizen just sit back and let things iron themselves out... then complain about it later.
Fear said:
Who gives a s***? This won't happen anyway.

this is a very very common misconception..

Isn't the threat to Net Neutrality just hypothetical?
No. By far the most significant evidence regarding the network owners' plans to discriminate is their stated intent to do so.
The CEOs of all the largest telecom companies have made clear their intent to build a tiered Internet with faster service for the select few companies willing or able to pay the exorbitant tolls. Network Neutrality advocates are not imagining a doomsday scenario. We are taking the telecom execs at their word.
So far, we've only seen the tip of the iceberg. But numerous examples show that without network neutrality requirements, Internet service providers will discriminate against content and competing services they don't like. This type of censorship will become the norm unless we act now. Given the chance, these gatekeepers will consistently put their own interests before the public good.
The cable and telephone companies already dominate 98 percent of the broadband access market. And when the network owners start abusing their control of the pipes, there will be nowhere else for consumers to turn.
Mr. Win said:
There ya go! Don't invoke your right as a citizen just sit back and let things iron themselves out... then complain about it later.

Meh. I have nothing to complain about if the innanets disappear.
katsmp3 said:
this is a very very common misconception..

Isn't the threat to Net Neutrality just hypothetical?
No. By far the most significant evidence regarding the network owners' plans to discriminate is their stated intent to do so.
The CEOs of all the largest telecom companies have made clear their intent to build a tiered Internet with faster service for the select few companies willing or able to pay the exorbitant tolls. Network Neutrality advocates are not imagining a doomsday scenario. We are taking the telecom execs at their word.
So far, we've only seen the tip of the iceberg. But numerous examples show that without network neutrality requirements, Internet service providers will discriminate against content and competing services they don't like. This type of censorship will become the norm unless we act now. Given the chance, these gatekeepers will consistently put their own interests before the public good.
The cable and telephone companies already dominate 98 percent of the broadband access market. And when the network owners start abusing their control of the pipes, there will be nowhere else for consumers to turn.

You'll just have independent companies offering satellite internet, then. If someone fires, someone else will fire back. This debate is old news.
Fear said:
You'll just have independent companies offering satellite internet, then. If someone fires, someone else will fire back. This debate is old news.

You ever have satellite TV? I want my internet firmly grounded.
Mr. Win said:
My buddy had satellite internet... what a bad deal that was. lol. I'm with you.

satellite internet is only worthwhile if you live in the middle of nowhere.. we're talking like antarctica.
Mr. Win said:

it is a VERY important and VERY real issue. I figured it was only a matter of time before big ISPs decided there was money to be made off the internet.
xelderx said:
They've had satelitte TV for years and it still sucks.

Meh, we have it at home. It goes out just as often as our Comcast did, which is only during heinous storms. While not the prime issue/debate here, satellite technology has vastly improved in the last 10 years, and it's only going to get better, just like everything else.

In any case, I'm still not going to worry about this, because OMG IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN IN MAY 2003!!!!