Road Rage Seen today

Ok I was goin to go to my friends house and I'm behind this civic and infront of this civic is a motorcycle doing the speed limit. All seems normal then the motor cycle slows down because the light up a head became red. The civic slows down... light turns green the civic gets pissed off and trys to pass the motorcycle, who has a guy and a girl on it. The civic doesnt go into the other lane he trys to squeeze along side the motorcycle then the civic flips the bird and almost side swips the motorcycle, I'm talkin maybe 3 inches between them tops! The motorcycle guy is pissed he almost fell when swerving. The next light is red and the motor cycle gets up and goes over and hits the civics window hard but doesnt break it there both yelling. THen the biker kickes the rear fender like 3 times denting the hell out of his car. Three seconds later a cop drives by, going another direction. The Civic busts a b**** and goes to chase the cop to get the other guy introuble. The motorcyle drove away. Damn it was cool if I was the biker I'd have killed the civic...
Road rage is only funny until the guy you're pissin' on pulls a chrome and busts a slug to yo' chest.

In all seriousness, I just pulled an article from the paper where some guy shot a local salesman for beating him to a spot at the gas pump. A friggin gas pump!!!

Hope that Civic got the bike's plate numbers. My brother had some lame drunk toss a beer bottle at his car. Granted, my brother's car getting dented doesn't make it look any worse, but still...
id pull a black on black -=)
but on the real. u try to pass dood on a bike when hes got his gerl on there.. hes gunnah **** u up.. s*** i get mad when people bump into my gerl at the mall.