Off Topic: Retro Gaming

if i had the space, i'd def build a buy and rebuild a cabinet for MAME and have 1 pinball machine.
Ive been very tempted to build a cabinet and add a raspeberry pi to run all the classic games, but I know I wouldnt use it nearly enough.
Been considering a bar top setup but wall mounted somewhere in the garage. To take up minimal space. But yeah would have to get a raspberry pi setup up and running before doing all that. Unfortunate, my first generation pi won’t support some MAME games I want to be able to play so I would need a newer pi, at least a 3. First generation one seems to run fine but the audio is skipping lol. It’s always something.

Currently it’s just a laptop and my cheap fightsticks.
Been considering a bar top setup but wall mounted somewhere in the garage. To take up minimal space. But yeah would have to get a raspberry pi setup up and running before doing all that. Unfortunate, my first generation pi won’t support some MAME games I want to be able to play so I would need a newer pi, at least a 3. First generation one seems to run fine but the audio is skipping lol. It’s always something.

Currently it’s just a laptop and my cheap fightsticks.
I have a pi3 B+ and run this build of retropie and it is fantastic. So many games, way more than id ever play. Very well made, lots of attention to detail. Highly recommend.

I have also bookmarked so many "bar top" cabinets which actually are built on and around a mini fridge. I have debated this too but my mini fridge lives under my bar so I would either need to just make a bar top cabinet or a full size thatll take up way too much room.

The next game I want in my basement is either another pinball machine or shuffleboard.
I might need to give you a holler over the week. Just need to check if a specific handful of games work before I move forward.
I have a KI2 that runs MAME, and a 1980 Williams Firepower that I completely rebuilt. Does that count?

Ok so in the last month, I bought an original NES console that came with Final Fantasy, SMB3 and Blades of Steel (Schteel!). Then I bought a PS2 with a bunch of games. And yesterday I picked up an N64 so wifey and I could duke it out in Mario Kart 64. So much fun! I ordered a Super 64 multicart so that I could enjoy games like Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye and Mario Party without having to hunt down and pay the premiums for the original carts.
My buddy bought one of those retro arcade games....has like 3,000 Sega, Nintendo and Dreamcast games on it, Some early Playstation too, I think.
Anyone intro retro gaming? Here I go showing my age again but I find myself often times playing old nes, snes, and arcade games. Wanted to see if anyone else shares the same interest on here. Unfortunately I don't have room for an actual arcade machine else I'd source an old cabinet, restore it, and make it play all the games. Just to name a few faves off top of my head:

mario 1, 2, 3
super mario kart
super mario world
gradius 1, 2, 3
street fighter 2 turbo
street fighter alpha 2
xmen vs street fighter
marvel vs street fighter
marvel vs capcom 2
ms pacman


C64 and Amiga had some amazing games too in the 80s have great memories of those
The Super64 Multicart for the N64 came in last week. It works incredibly well! Played a couple of games of Mario Party with the wife, and a few games of Smash, and started Ocarina again.
Happy Friday everyone!

I just ordered an NES multicart because I'm pretty happy with the N64 one. Just curious, what is your favorite 8-bit game soundtrack? Post a bunch that you like if you can't narrow it down to one game!

I like listening to these soundtracks while doing mundane tasks sometimes (cleaning the house or car, document design/organization, yard work, etc.). Currently listening to Mega Man 2 while I work lol.

Got one of these few yrs back, has a catalog of games, best being the mario games and Super Sprint.

After SNES, if I'm being honest, I couldn't handle gaming. Too many controller buttons, and I just didn't have the focus when games got more intense. Also first person shooter games just felt boring to me. NES was my peak. Loved RBI baseball, blades of steel, Zelda, Contra. Tetris and Dr Mario too, but less so.

I still recall 1988ish when a guy in my gr 8 class had super mario 3 before it was released here. Blew me away. I guess his dad had gotten it while travelling in Asia. Many hours spent in that world.