
Protege LX 2002
So, we want to get ourselves going, do we? Well let's go somewhere for a cruise and meet in the evening some time soon. I'm free any night after 7pm usually, but my daytime schedules are bit off since I work weekends and part week days.

Any suggestions for a good date/ time (evening preferential since I work days)? We could go meet at Rich's and go for a ghetto Montgomery run. LMAO
Are there any protege's in NM...? I was in NM in January and didnt see any during my trip there.... wow... I was in Santa Fe for the most part but didnt see any there either....

Just being sort of on topic heheheh.... Heard its hot out there in NM... SHoot its humid and hot here as well...

well actualy I see more p5's in Santa Fe than anywhere else in the state.
It does get hot here but it is very very dry.

Joe Davis
I think a cruise would be fun. It was fun driving with Rich down to University, it would have been even cooler to have more proteges with us. I think we'd actually attract quite a bit of attention. When me and Rich were stopped at a light, I saw some guy drive by. He stared at Rich's car, then looked away, and then stared over at mine (I was a few cars back). Anyways, its always fun to see other driver's reactions. I think that'd be pretty sick to have all 5 of us cruise together.
Friday is great.. Saturday I have a gig in Los Lunas, can't do it.

FRIDAY NIGHT? Can we meet at your house Rich?