Pre-legal advice from my peers


2007 Sunlight Silver mazdaspeed 3
I live in Texas and I received two speeding tickets in one stop for "two separate incidents" according to the officer he saw me going 97 on one road saw me again on the highway going 107. I was speeding the first time but definitely not 97 I was going maybe 60 in a 45. He didn't turn his lights on. He came out of nowhere on the highway and pulled me over. Again, there is no way I was going the speed he says I was. This time I was going roughly 80 in a 65. not 107 in a 65.

I have one ticket on my record right now because I didn't have time to go talk to the DA and get deferred so I just paid it. Now I'm regretting it because I'm looking at a possible suspension of my license with the point system.

In ya'lls experience what should I do?

I understand you aren't all cops and lawyers but I'm guessing allot of you have some experience with this issue.
That sucks man.. hopefully someone can give you some advice. I guess state laws are different I know that here in PA you can't get two tickets for the same violation on one stop.
does he have you on radar going that fast, or did he use some other method to determine your speed?
dude....he's got to prove that period and as far as i know you can't get 2 at once here in tx....
yea i just went to court with my buddy over a similar situation. pretty much, you have to make him prove it in court. a lot of times, the officer wont even show, so they drop it.
yup.. fight it. and if he doesn't show they will usually drop it.. i got pulled over in November for supposedly speeding and fought it, just had court earlier this month and they dismissed cause the cop didn't show