Please Help!!!


Ok this is one of those weird questions, but I'm hoping some of my American friends on here can help me out!

Awhile back, I was listening to a radio quiz show. The question was, who is on the newest 50 dollar american bill. I knew it was Ulysses S. Grant. But they came back and the answer was some fairly obscure president that was now on there. I did a search for the name(which I can't remember) and found websites that confirmed he was in fact on the newest bills. Today we had a discussion in the office about who is on what bill and it came up and everyone said I'm I'm starting to think I am.

Any help here...does anyone know of some other guy besides Grant being on the newest 50 dollar bills?
Yeah I went there already.

So now I'm more wondering was the radio quiz :bs: ?

I remember that people called in and said Grant and they were like, nope that's the old one. And when they gave the new guy, I went and searched and sure enough found info...if only I remembered which guy! :)
i haven't had a fifty dollar bill in awhile, but i know it is definatly grant!, call the radio station back, tell them they suck.
Todd said:
Maybe you where on crack?????:eek:

Yeah it could be the crack...but then another guy totally remembers it too and we were both surprised back when the radio station said it wasn't of those things where it's like I was in a temporal warp or something. Ok it's Grant and I'll just deal with it then. :)
and I can state with the certainty that I will wager the rest of my income for my entire life that the current president that graces the NEW $50 is U.S. Grant....I am holding one in my hand at this moment.....

njaremka said:
was this the bill they were talking about: $51

I hope they're joking, the pic on the back that they refer to as a flying saucer is the famous pic of a frisbee that some guy admitted to a long time ago

but PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!1 let's not start talking about this SH*t. Grant is still on the $50, by the way. The mint still has his big ass head blown up and hanging with the others on big banners on the front of the mint.
The crack is in full force, unless they were talking about plans to change the currency. And who would have the audacity to change which president showed up on a bill?