Photography contests

roy obanion

02 p5, 95 miata
I remember back when I used to lurk here, there were monthly photo contests. I do not recall seeing any of these recently. Is this something anyone would be interested in? As seen in other threads, we do have quite a few photographers/creative people running around. Let me know what you think of this.
Great idea, I have been thinking about something along these lines. If you have an idea I'll make a thread for it and we can have a poll and what not.
i'm in.

i need to get back out and shooting again. My camera feels neglected just sitting in the room on a tripod.
edit the OP and lets' kick this pig!

So the theme is orange?

also, are the rules same as the other contest. Pic must be taken AFTER begining of competition? Cause, i have this pic I snagged well over 2.5 years ago, but it is still breathtaking to me

And this is UNEDITED! No photoediting software ever digitally molested this pic

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just curious how the rules will work. I hate to be the stick in the mud, but, just wanna be clear.

We can go how the others were, has to be taken AFTER the date of the new theme
I loved the participating in the contests, although I never won. I agree with the rule cited above regarding the date of the image. The previous contest rules required the image to be taken after the start date of the contest round. This was to prevent folks from simply pulling an image from "inventory" and also to encourage members to get out and shoot, which is really what photography is all about. However, no matter how much time was given there is always someone who wished they could have participated if given just a little more time. I think that maybe this lead to a reduction in participation.

I would support a 2 week contest entry period followed by a 5 calendar day voting period.

My entry for the [fictional] fall foliage contest.

So I guess let's follow the old rules...and I think Orange is a good theme, there are so many directions to go with that. I would appreciate if someone can start a new thread for this, you game Sliver? I like Ed's idea about the time frame, though maybe a bit longer would be okay. I shot some yesterday, and plan to get out some more this week, so let's get to it.
Pro5... that is SIC.... seriously, i just puked on my keyboard.


Now Ive got to learn photoshop

or just learn to take good pics. That pic is not photoshopped at all. Straight out of the camera to the computer
or just learn to take good pics. That pic is not photoshopped at all. Straight out of the camera to the computer

If Ansel Adams was alive to read your post he'd be here responding instead of me. I know this is an [age] old argument, but it seems that you may not have been around for our previous discussions on the topic.

Ansel Adams was a master photographer. He invented the zone system and got the very most out of every step in the photographic process. Since making "pictures" used to involve a dark room, Adams spent time perfecting this part of the process, too. He spent hour upon hour working a single image in the dark room; perfecting exposure, the use filters for increasing/decreasing contrast, cross-developing film and paper stocks. While he didn't have access to trick HDR algorithms he did utilize techniques to achieve a similar effect. In short, he manipulated the camera, film, developing and enlargement process to within an inch of its life to achieve his fantastic results.

Now, back to Photoshop: Photoshop is just a tool not a bad word. I can understand the sour impression you may be left with after seeing some of the horrid PS actions and their results online. But I implore you to reconsider your impression of post processing. PS is an extremely effective tool for bringing out the most in your images.

For example, the image I posted above was manipulated in Lightroom/Photoshop to good result. Without PS the image is flat. With a little cropping, contrast, brightness, saturation, vignette and sharpening I am able to bring out the most in the image. I used only non destructive techniques and not a single Action, much less the HDR feature of PS. Say what you will about the image itself, but you can not deny the process of careful PS manipulation lead to a markedly better result.

Here's a comparison of the image straight from camera compared to my final result:


PS: If you can find a camera to take pictures like this without any post processing buy it and turn pro. Seriously.
i am just saying the picture i took is not photo edited in any way.

The guy posting said it was a great pic and needed to learn to photoshop now.

I didn't use it for that pic, but i do understand what you're saying

But, if you look in my deviantart, only 2 pics in that have been photo edited. the rest of the pics are straight from the cam
Napa valley

What about with camera effects???


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The Color Orange

Just Redirecting the old thread about starting a contest with the color orange as the theme....

So the time frame will be from now Nov.5th, untill Nov. 19th...Contest rules are.

- Picture must be taken on or after Nov 5th and must be submitted between the date stated to be eligible to be entered.

- There Will be a 5 Day voting period after Nov. 19th has passed

- Picture may be of anything that has to do with the color orange (please no nudity or vulgarity)

- Winner Gets BRAGGING RIGHTS! (or if someone wants to create a prize. go ahead!)

Lets see what you guys have :)