Parting out car. SSAFC Innovate Wideband, Skunk2 Sleeves

Hey everyone, I am getting ready to sell my car and currently parting out some stuff. I have a ssafc with data-log and innovate wideband (data log capable), both barely used. The wideband comes with a brand new o2 sensor as well. Wideband $135


Wideband Sold!

Also a set of skunk2 adjustable sleeves that I couldn't sell last Christmas so I kept it in my room until now. Need it gone, someone? $200 OBO
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How much are you looking for the wideband shipped? And I guess I have to get an o2 bung. Let me know thanks.
Wideband and skunk2 sleeves are still up for grabs. Price is negotiable, I want it gone. Thanks!