Nos Bass Tube...Has Anybody Tried One?

Well I will say this. When the first bass tube came out I had a guy that had one in his 81 Vette come through the shop I ran. We got to taking about the car and what not and I got in it and saw the tube. I asked it I could turn it up and I will say I WAS IMPRESSED! It was nothing compaired to what I have now, but for a single 10in back 12+ yrs ago that was good. I can only imagine that they have gotten better sense then.
Hughes412 said:
but for a single 10in back 12+ yrs ago that was good. I can only imagine that they have gotten better sense then.
Nope, they haven't...except now they come in blue and look like NOS canisters. They are still made of plastic, so their deep bass production capabilities will always be limited. You need a sturdy cabinet to pound out notes in the sub 30Hz range. The tubes peak around 40-50Hz and sound loud...but they don't play low.
We've had one of those gawdaweful thigns in the shop since I started working there. I jsut can't bring myself to sell it. first off it's about as good as a bazooka, only uglier. and, well it's about as "good" as a bazooka only uglier. OH and more expensive to boot. If you like the look, by all means go for it. I'm sure someone will be glad to have it off of their hands, but if you're looking for REAL bass output and good sound there's MUCH better ways to go.
chuyler1 said:
Nope, they haven't...except now they come in blue and look like NOS canisters. They are still made of plastic, so their deep bass production capabilities will always be limited. You need a sturdy cabinet to pound out notes in the sub 30Hz range. The tubes peak around 40-50Hz and sound loud...but they don't play low.

LOL well that was a long time ago and anything was better then the stock 80s speakers.

But wouldn't one of those (in a hatchback) be just as good as the little sub in the MSP's.
Stock speakers haven't changed much in the past 2 decades. The 5x7 speakers that I pulled from my 87 Cougar look just about the same as the ones I pulled out of my 03 Protege5. And they sounded about the same too. The only advances the 'stock' category has made in the past decade is the quality of the head unit...but even that hasn't progressed very far.

Sure a tube will sound 'as loud' as the little sub in the MSP, but the MSP sub can play lower due to its sealed enclosure...and it is tuned for subwoofer duties.

Ok, stock speakers are good down to about 120Hz. A bass tube is designed to pound out bass from 120 to about 50Hz. The speakers and stereo in the MSP can play to about 80Hz (more power from the head unit and slightly better speakers). The MSP sub is tuned to play from 80Hz down to about 20-30Hz. An 8" can't really play that low but it will do a much better job with the 30-50Hz range than a tube. So I would pick the MSP setup over a bass tube any day.
Yea i dont want alot of bass, thats y i sold my alpine type x subwoofer, that thing was insane, i just want something to add a lil bass to the rest of the system. plus i want to keep as much space as possible in my hatch so that was y i thought about the Nos tube, and it would just look cool. haha