Nintendo Revolution... Official Name Released

The 64 died, the gamecube will die off soon, just not happy with nintendo consoles and its games.

I have been happy with Sony PSI & PSII. I will be getting the III when it comes out.

And X-Box......yuck.
i LOVE my xbox

i chipped it the day that i bought it and transfer downloaded movies on it to watch on my tv and i have a shitload of music videos. i download 24 and the sopranos and watch send the mto the xbox too ... im busy when 24 is on and we don't get the sopranos here

my xbox is probably the best purchase i've made in years

EDIT: i also have PSX and PS2 ... i think my PS2 is broken.

only nintendo product i ever bought were the original NES and the SNES =\
I have a PC hooked to to my TV, so I don't need an XBOX.

Sony makes terrible products, I am on PS2 number 4.

On the other hand, the Gamecube has Resident Evil 4 and can do no wrong.
the one place nintendo has & always will thrive is making unique, entertaining games.

They aren't dead-set on making mainstream appealing games or multi-function bulls*** systems like sony & MS. I think their focus with the new Wii will be a entertainment system, not a media center.

And the new controller kicks ass. Yes it has a huge lack of buttons & I tooo question how the hell it will be used in games, but isn't that the point? I just hope more 3rd party dev's utilize it & I also hope nintendo releases at least 5 games that heavily-utilize its function at launch.

Of all the next-gen systems....honestly I'd buy the Wii before any of them, mainly b/c when I play games, I want to be entertained & right now, the 360 has ZERO games that interest me besides PGR3 and the new PS3 doesn't seem to have anything that I care for either. The wii, on the other hand, has this completely new concept on a controller design that intriques me & somehow I think I'll have fun playing games with it.
^^ I could see you saying that during 360's launch, but there is a s*** load of great games out on the 360. While Nintendo hasn't really shown could you be that excited?
I think I've seen one game so far for the new Nintendo....hardly anything to get excited about. Remember...Nintendo was the company that invented the Power Glove. How sweet was that? Not really. It will be interesting to see the type of publisher support the new console will get. Can you imagine playing Madden on that controller?
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Captain KRM P5 said:
per my avatar, i don't need to tell anyone how much of a nintendo fanboy i am. i'm eagerly anticipating E3 to see what the big N has up its sleeves.

if these pics don't let you know how big if a nintendo fanboy i am, i don't know what will (first)



yes I'm aware my room is a lil messy