New website layout


01 Mitsubishi Eclipse
Hey guys,

Just got done updating my website. Lets get some feedback on it.

Let me know what you guys think of it.

There are some parts that may still be down.


p.s. wasnt too sure where to post it topic, feel free to move it mods!:)
Hmmm...not sure where to even start with this one. If you're interested in professional services and you barter I can assist. Send a pm.
EcLites said:
Just saw that. So many web browsers. Ahhhhhh.......

Well, if you don't do any non-standard HTML it should look the same in all browsers... For the most part.
Put this in your iframe tag after border="0"

style="border: 0px solid black"

That should fix it. Tested in both IE and FFX.

Other than that, it looks pretty good. You might want to adjust the pages you're putting in the iframe so they don't make it scroll horizontally.
cool thanks for point out the firefox issues guys.
I fixed that thanks to Murry's help.
I still have a problem with firefox though. When you goto the products page it shows the tables on firefox .

How can i get rid of that?
ok, put this between your head tags, after the title:
<styl e="">
<styl e=""><styl e=""><style>
.fixedTable {
	border: 1px solid #99CCFF;
.fixedTable tr td {
	border: 1px solid #99CCFF;
<styl e=""><styl e=""><styl e="">
Then put the following attribute in each wrong-looking table tag (probably all of them):