New to this site


2005 Mazda 6
Hey guys, my name's Justin and I have a 2005 mazda 6... non-sport :( lol but its slowly being turned into a sport :) I've had my six for two years now, it's my first car so I get to make all my rookie mistakes on it but so far I've done ok with the help of other mazda6 sites. Hopefully this site has a wealth of knowledge just like the others. My 6 is still only slightly modded but it's much better than it was stock. My mods are in my sig. Well anyways... here are some pics for ya... better pics of the lip coming soon (probably in my ride thread I'll be making)




and I know I have a 4x4, a drop should come by the end of the summer :D
ah man no welcomes?! well here is ur first official welcome to M247!!! grats on the 6, i WISH i had a car that nice when i got my first... :p