"Loose" shifter knob...


MS3 - sport
My shifter knob rotates both clockwise and c-clockwise when I apply a moderate amount of force to it. I have tried to tighten it, but it just keeps going around, never getting more loose or more tight. Driving over time, it rotates and I constantly have to adjust it. I don't know if it is supposed to be glued on, or screwed on, but if it is the latter, it is clearly stripped. Anyone else know if this is normal? Again, it doesn't move unless I apply a decent amount of force, but I would expect zero play in it.
Im almost positive that it just screws on... but I dont have a shifter to try it on.

just unscrew it (couter clockwise) and check. Make sure the threads are good.

if you want a quick fix, just get some thread-lok from the plumbing section @ your hardware store. Its removable plastic film that will cover the threads on the shifter allowing you to get a tighter grip on the shiftknob when installed.
I just went ahead and cranked it around a several times...it got tight...however... Just like Jason, it is completely sideways. I guess I will have to either adjust it periodically, or just glue it. Thanks for the advice B1GHAM.
try unscrewing it, take some channel locks and scare the threads up a LITTLE at the bottom. then screw it back on, the slight damage you just did to the threads should make it sufficiently stiff when screwed on for it to be aligned just where you want it and not rotate under minimal pressure.

Oh- don’t blame me if you screw it up.
I think I will go with the tread-lok option Meha11. Thanks though, but that method seems a little more risky when it could be easily solved for a few bucks.