I've Had it With This Car. . .

No one else has had this problem reported.

Most people find this to be a very reliable car when properly maintained.

sounds like a short shifter install error...

Loose bolts don't make a car reliable.
Gonna also say bolt came out of the shifter off the linkage.
We'll say it's the bolt. Cheaper and easier to fix. *HOPEFULLY IT IS JUST THE BOLT*
I had my shifter fork break but I heard its more a 3rd 4th gear issue then a first 2nd

let us know what it is.
I had my short shifter>linkage crossbolt vibrate the nut off on a long trip to Austin even with a lockwasher right after I got the car. Loctited it and never touched it again 5.5yrs.

You can't hate your car for a bolt coming loose! But if it is internal tranny feel free to vent here!
Go over to the BMW forums and read about some of the problems they have with cars costing several times what these cars do. Every brand and model has issues at some point. 200 bucks? That's half of a monthly car payment these days.
All that and how many k/mi have you got on it now? Most of the P5's are anywhere from 5-7 yrs old now...problems are going to start showing up because of age/mileage (or kilometerage). These are not new cars anymore...I have 101500+mile on mine..only issues are "wear + tear" They do start to fall apart after awhile. Sh**t happens.
First of all your car is modified, I'm assuming its lowered? Of course stuff is going to go wrong. I'm sure you don't drive it like an angel
First of all your car is modified, I'm assuming its lowered? Of course stuff is going to go wrong. I'm sure you don't drive it like an angel

Gotta agree.

Sux that you are out the money....but we all know that when we start modding here and there we are increasing our risks of problems arising.
havent had a real big mechanical failure, just rust problems, mazda needs to learn how to paint.
How does modifying the car cause a rod to snap from the tranny?

If driving over a speed bump while being lowered doesn't drawl a correlation then I don't know what does? Could it not have been fault at the wheel? My assumption is based on the fact that your car is modified and that you drive it harder than the usual protege driver...did it occur to you that you might have not have shifted correctly while making the transition?... s***...I did it in my SRT 4 and broke a shift fork. you're lucky its not that bad and only cost you $200.
Since this has not happened to another person that I've seen and compared to many HIGHLY modified pros out there this was a freak incident. And if it happened as you were going over a speedbump it seems obvious that you must have bottomed out or had something loose hanging down causing the damage.

The 3/4 shiftfork is a known problem and part of the reason the tranny was revised in mid 02.
Read the thread....

My 3rd gear shift fork broke already, this is a completely different problem.

I'm going over a rather small speedbump, shift into 1st and the shifter just breaks loose. No misshift whatsoever...

The thing just snapped, not because of hard driving... at all.

I did read the thread, the only reason I mentioned my shift fork breaking was because mine was a freak accident as well. luckily it was covered under warranty. also, the fact they you weren't driving it hard doesn't negate the years of driving you've put into it..not to point fingers but well..."s*** happens" at worst, your problem was measly and if a $200 fix is gonna get you all bent out of shape over a 5 year old car then I (dunno)