It's Baaaaack...Ultimate Santa Cruz Meet!!!! USCM 2.0!!!! APRIL 18TH 2009

teeshirt order


TSHIRTS With The Above Logo...By Yves

you can choose pretty much any normal color...teeshirts are hanes tagless...and please PM your order

$16 SM-L
$18 XL-UP
$18 Baby Tees

payment can be collected at biweekly meets...or if you want to use PAYPAL this email takes it, TMN@BEHINDWHEEL.COM

the teeshirts will be available a month before meet. i can either give them to you at one of the biweekly meets or the day of...and if its the day of the shirts will be washed for your comfort...we did this for meet93...
any word whats going to be in the raffle? some info for yahs all...

sponsors so far that are a for sure that are donating towards the raffle...

behind the wheel
les schwab tires
great america

companies that i am waiting to hear back from. that are serious sounding...

disney land
sorry guys, so I go to uc davis and the 18th is picnic day (aka get stupid drunk at 9 in the morning day.) So unfortunately it wouldnt be a good idea to drive to santa cruz and back completely hammered so you have to count me out on this one. Im bummed, but let me know about the next one!
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Hey Everyone,
Don't forget next Saturday is The Ultimate Santa Cruz/Great America Meet. Get your cars ready and clean, and to show off your new mods that you installed since the last USCM.

The Bay Area Fogged Out Team.