Is my turbo blown?


03 MSP Black Mica #86
Ive always been a Honda N/A kid. But I dont like four door Honda's and found this beauty so here I am! I have a little oil dripping out my upper intercooler piping and down my turbo compressor housing. Ive heard a little is normal. But how much is a little?! Also, I drained very little out of the lower intercooler piping. Is that normal? I took the turbo out the other day, there was very minimal shaft play, but oil came out of the intercooler inlet. I thought that was a sealed chamber and there shouldnt have been oil?

I know nothing about turbos so sorry to sound like a noob. Im just OCD and dont like oil dripping down my turbo, never mind blowing it hahahah :'(
Thanks for the response man. Im very suspect on the turbo, and subbed to the "chinacharger" thread... Ill look up the oil cooler line.