I smile everytime I see another P5

I just wanted to say that. I wonder how everyone else reacts when they see another P5. I sometimes wish I could stop the person and start a conversation about how leet the car is. I saw like 3 today, I'm in a good mood haha. The thing that saddens me is the fear of disappearing P5s. I don't think these other P5 owners really take care of the car. I don't have proof of this, but the P5 really doesn't come off as a valuable car to the un-enthusiast. If it ain't valuable, its not worth the time and effort to care for it, right? I like the idea of P5s roaming the streets. It's almost like the crocidile hunter could document the elusive P5s and their activity in the urban jungle. I just hope the P5s don't go extinct. I will keep this car until the rust eats it alive.
Right on...I thought I was just weird. I think the same thing when I see one on the road. Most people as you say probably dont care as much and just use them for a point A to point B ride except for those buying them used these days.

Most of the P5's I see around Indy and locally are very well maintained from what I can see. I have yet to see one on the side of the road or in bad shape. Maybe they do appreciate the cars but have never heard of the internet...that's plausible!!
I see P5s all the time, I saw 2 silver ones, a red one, a lazer blue and a midnight blue P5 just yesterday! And because around here cars don't rust very fast they will probably be around for a while.
I have a neighbor a street down from me that has a silver P5, looks to be in great shape and has a little "zoom-zoom" sticker on the back windshield, I might go over and talk to him but I don't wanna seem like a weirdo.
lol yes i do. nahhh jk i had a auto before the p5 its all good. BUT i dont think ill be going back lol the ladies love the shift (hump)
I see P5's everywhere. I lol every time I look in my rear view and see the other P5 driver going, "WTF is a 323F? It looks just like my car."

Unfortunately, I'm from Florida. It's usually Blue-hairs or "A to B" people that don't care what they drive.
I see a lot of P5s in my area but most them stock and not interested in the car just point A to B.
i can share my own p5 experience... i remember when they first came out, and i just thought they looked cool. wasn't very knowledgeable about cars period, all i was concerned with was how it looked. being raised on hondas i almost forgot about the p5... until early this past summer. found about early spring that my girlfriend was pregnant and decided to get out of my 2000 Civic hatch and into something with 4 doors. i rediscovered the p5 while looking online for something new. i ended up getting rid of my civic and drove, same day, an hour and a half each way and bought a my p5 without even test driving it! didn't even take the entire trip back home till i was in love with it! and now i experience the spontaneous grin every time i see another p5. there aren't many or them around my area, but they all seem to be in fairly good condition. once again, i haven't seen any sitting on the side of the road or anything.
i love the p5, everytime i see one on the i smile as well,, i have stopped a few and talked for hours,,, when i take mine to shows i get alot of looks and ppl ask me why a wagon,, i say well why ask why,,, they say well its a stupid car to fix up its a family car and we dont see many done like this,, i said thats my point there are not alot around that are fixed up,.... i bought mine brand new in january of 2004 it had 7 miles on it,, it only has 52,000 on it now,,, and it only gets driven in the summer time to shows and cruise ins and thats it,,, but i for sure agree with everyone that seeing another p5 on the road makes me smile and makes me have a better day,,,, nothing like the handling of these cars..... p5 forever
i love the p5, everytime i see one on the i smile as well,, i have stopped a few and talked for hours,,, when i take mine to shows i get alot of looks and ppl ask me why a wagon,, i say well why ask why,,, they say well its a stupid car to fix up its a family car and we dont see many done like this,, i said thats my point there are not alot around that are fixed up,.... i bought mine brand new in january of 2004 it had 7 miles on it,, it only has 52,000 on it now,,, and it only gets driven in the summer time to shows and cruise ins and thats it,,, but i for sure agree with everyone that seeing another p5 on the road makes me smile and makes me have a better day,,,, nothing like the handling of these cars..... p5 forever

Awsome, just awsome. A happy P5 being well taken car of. It's getting all the attention it wants. Man it's like I'm talking about man's best friend here. IS it really possible to adore the car more than a dog? NEVAH