How To KILL Yellow Jackets

Alright, here is the rest of Santos' and my conversation from the WI thread.

Here's my "yellow jacket suit" I promised to post. Tried some spray "foam" today.

LOL ninja E, plainly awesome

my new monitor is at home, cant wait to hook that s*** up

anyhow, morning bitches

love the suit E

grats on the comp rick

picked up a GTspec V-brace for 18 bucks, workin on a rear strut bar for a similar price. lol. Anyone know where I can pick up a used lower reinforcement panel for cheap? Vbrace is kinda useless without it!

Nice ninja suit.

One of a kind baby! Yeah, used the ortho wasp/hornet spray foam last night. Fuckers swarmed because they couldn't get back in the nest. I think I killed a few, but my kill/cost ratio is low. When the weather cools a bit, I'm suiting up one more time and blasting the stuff right in the nest. No more ****** around.

Dude you crack me up. You aren't buying the right s***. I am going to have to go over there and do it myself apparently.

LOL! What are you talking about!? I've used every product on the market. Raid works the best, I'd highly recommend it. BTW, generic wasp sprays, including Black Flag suck donkey balls. I think the yellow jackets drink that stuff for breakfast. I've used ortho spray foam, Permethrin dust, yellow jacket "lure" traps. Sure, there are different variations, but it's all the same. I did see this stuff online called Drione, but it's like 50 bucks/#.

How would you do it?............................besides having B do the grunt work, LOL!

spoken like a true mexican.

damn dude, did you really buy all that s***? You need the s*** that stuns them dude. damn. And stop buying crap in WI. Maybe that is the problem.

Yeah!!! The Raid does stun/kill them. It is ineffective though unless you get at their nest. I could sit out there all day and kill one or two at a time, but that would take forever. You are suppose to use dust, but the stuff i can buy is not as good as professionals...................and I'm not paying $150, unless a last resort.


Get brian to move the timbers and then stun them. I mean damn, do I gotta draw you a plan or something? dew it.

flood them out, gas them out, fire is good too. you have options man.

you gotta get into the nest too man. put your ninja suit on, move the timbers, let them calm down, come back out an hour later, spray with poison. Stop playing around with them. That is how you get stung.

LOL! I can't "flame" them, as they are in TIMBERS, geez. And I did try to flood them out. They don't care. I did read that Kerasene works, as the fumes kills them, but that is usually used in ground I don't want to kill my grass or plants.

Not with my ninja suit, :p

i love the smell of napalm in the mornin. kill them bastards with a lil mix of gas and orange juice wich equals napalm when mixed right hahaha

living bees, or dead grass.... hmm tough choice.

He doesn't even want the timbers. kill 2 bees with one stone.

LOL! yeah, but to get rid of the timbers, I need a plan yet (hint, hint), a dumpster, help (again, hint, hint), etc.

Vodka like from Mythbusters; or did that not actually work I didn't watch the whole episode.

Dude I will see if I can swing by next weekend. I have family this weekend from out of state. We will finish the wasps.

Kick Ass!!!!! You RULE Santos...................I don't care what the other WI guys say, LOL!

edit: Ohhhhh, and if we are successful, maybe we can grill up some steaks or something.


are you serious? when we finish them, we will eat steaks.

I will bring IL poison.

can you take a pic of it man?

Santos, are you going to bring a "suit" up, LOL!

Me? Of the nest?

Yes, a tux.

I already saw you man. I was caught off guard by your skin color...

Of the nest. Take one and don't forget your ninja bee suit.

I KNEW you would go there.

Bahh! Don't need it for that. I'll try to get some "action" shots, LOL! Ohhhh.......I'm going to take a pic from my basement window well.....get a "ground level" shot, LOL!
Ja was stung when she was very young. Had a bad reaction to it and dedicated some of her life after that encounter researching yellow jackets, behaviors, mating, their society, and elimination. So I believe her.
Hmm, sevin or dursban (sp?) dust would work, but you have to be careful if you have pets, plus it can affect other insects/animals negatively if they eat the dead yellowjackets. Maybe buy some traps to put up in the area and see if they'll kill themselves off? Might only take a couple days for that to happen - especially since it's late summer and they're looking for sugary foods now....

No pets or kids, so sky is the limit.
my buddies and I actually unknowingly disturbed a nest in a decaying log on sunday. **** me, I got like 8 stings before I took off running. those bitches follow you pretty damn far...

I don't want to hear that. I'm trying to get pumped not discouraged.
Ja was stung when she was very young. Had a bad reaction to it and dedicated some of her life after that encounter researching yellow jackets, behaviors, mating, their society, and elimination. So I believe her.

silly :p
Car exhaust. Place a hose on the tailpipe, run the other end to the entrance of the hive and then gas them! lol. Best to do this at night when they are all in the nest. I have done it before and it does work.
Here is win all over it.


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Semi off-topic story.

I was talking with a neighbor out in my driveway on Monday and saw a small white piece of something fall onto my driveway, right next to the garage. From a distance of around 20 feet it looked like a small piece of wood about 3/4 of an inch long and maybe 1/4 inch wide/deep. I didn't think much of it and went back to talking to my neighbor. Next thing I know I see some HUGE winged demon thing pick it up and fly it up the side of my house. It took maybe 45 seconds for this little bastard to lift the piece of debris from my driveway to the top of the garage door and then disappeared around the corner. I wanted to find out what it was, but didn't want to be rude to the neighbor.

P.S. It sort of looked like a cicada in size, but more like a wasp in appearance. I was a bit awestruck that a bug could fly away with something it's own size, even if it did take it some time.
If noone has mentioned this yet, professionals would use a combination of 4-1 water to soap. Yellow Jackets, Wasps and the like breath through their skin. Soap and water sufficates them as well as any type of gasoline (NOT SAFE AT ALL FOR ANYONE OR THE ENVIRONMENT) or OTC spray killer. If you already have or can purchase a cheap sprayer or better yet get one of those new Windex sprayer attachments for your hose, use it on your windows first then fill it about 25% of the way up with your car wash soap or even less with dish detergent and let it rain on them. The Windex attachement shoots as easy 30'+ and will get them all by flooding and sufficating them out. Have fun, shoot some video in case you go another route and it gets crazy!
If noone has mentioned this yet, professionals would use a combination of 4-1 water to soap. Yellow Jackets, Wasps and the like breath through their skin. Soap and water sufficates them as well as any type of gasoline (NOT SAFE AT ALL FOR ANYONE OR THE ENVIRONMENT) or OTC spray killer. If you already have or can purchase a cheap sprayer or better yet get one of those new Windex sprayer attachments for your hose, use it on your windows first then fill it about 25% of the way up with your car wash soap or even less with dish detergent and let it rain on them. The Windex attachement shoots as easy 30'+ and will get them all by flooding and sufficating them out. Have fun, shoot some video in case you go another route and it gets crazy!

Carl (Wagonbacker9) is going to be our AV man. BTW, that was my "bee suit" above. Not sure what Santos has in mind, but I can picture him showing up in shorts and a t-shirt with sandals.
Carl (Wagonbacker9) is going to be our AV man. BTW, that was my "bee suit" above. Not sure what Santos has in mind, but I can picture him showing up in shorts and a t-shirt with sandals.

with mountain dews in each hand and honey-scented cologne...

you look like a fluffy ninja in your bee suit
Semi off-topic story.

I was talking with a neighbor out in my driveway on Monday and saw a small white piece of something fall onto my driveway, right next to the garage. From a distance of around 20 feet it looked like a small piece of wood about 3/4 of an inch long and maybe 1/4 inch wide/deep. I didn't think much of it and went back to talking to my neighbor. Next thing I know I see some HUGE winged demon thing pick it up and fly it up the side of my house. It took maybe 45 seconds for this little bastard to lift the piece of debris from my driveway to the top of the garage door and then disappeared around the corner. I wanted to find out what it was, but didn't want to be rude to the neighbor.

P.S. It sort of looked like a cicada in size, but more like a wasp in appearance. I was a bit awestruck that a bug could fly away with something it's own size, even if it did take it some time.
carpenter bee maybe?